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Split up Threading.h
Split up Threading.h
Sam Weinig
2010-04-23 14:34:41 PDT
Threading.h is getting a little large. Time for a split.
(38.44 KB, patch)
2010-04-23 14:39 PDT
Sam Weinig
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(75.61 KB, patch)
2010-04-23 16:10 PDT
Sam Weinig
: review+
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Sam Weinig
Comment 1
2010-04-23 14:39:01 PDT
attachment 54194
David Levin
Comment 2
2010-04-23 15:56:39 PDT
Two comments: 1. The include<wtf/*> sorting is off for the newly added items. 2. I'm surprised that the new headers don't have entries in the ForwardingHeaders/wtf directories in JavaScriptGlue, WebCore, WebKit/mac, WebKitTools/DumpRenderTree (which is where Threading.h appears). Is this not necessary?
Sam Weinig
Comment 3
2010-04-23 16:06:24 PDT
(In reply to
comment #2
> Two comments: > 1. The include<wtf/*> sorting is off for the newly added items.
Will fix.
> 2. I'm surprised that the new headers don't have entries in the > ForwardingHeaders/wtf directories in > JavaScriptGlue, WebCore, WebKit/mac, WebKitTools/DumpRenderTree (which is where > Threading.h appears). Is this not necessary?
:( They do. I just forgot to upload that part of the patch.
Sam Weinig
Comment 4
2010-04-23 16:10:19 PDT
attachment 54198
Updated patch Updated. The WebKit/mac forwarding headers are not needed.
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 5
2010-04-23 16:17:52 PDT
Attachment 54198
did not pass style-queue: Failed to run "['WebKitTools/Scripts/check-webkit-style']" exit_code: 1 JavaScriptCore/wtf/ThreadSafeShared.h:65: Alphabetical sorting problem. [build/include_order] [4] JavaScriptCore/wtf/Atomics.h:71: More than one command on the same line in if [whitespace/parens] [4] Total errors found: 2 in 17 files If any of these errors are false positives, please file a bug against check-webkit-style.
David Levin
Comment 6
2010-04-23 16:25:34 PDT
Atomics.h is messed up in this version. "#ifndef Threading_h" etc. Also, none of your fwd'ing headers have ifndef guards but that seems rather useless and just adds extra clutter so I'm fine with omitting that. And the style bot noticed a sorting issue. I would r+ except for the Atomics.h
Sam Weinig
Comment 7
2010-04-23 16:55:56 PDT
(In reply to
comment #6
> Atomics.h is messed up in this version. "#ifndef Threading_h" etc. >
I don's see the issue you are referring to.
> Also, none of your fwd'ing headers have ifndef guards but that seems rather > useless and just adds extra clutter so I'm fine with omitting that.
Some do (the ones in WebCore/ForwardingHeaders). I tried to be consistent with the files around them.
> And the style bot noticed a sorting issue.
Will fix before landing.
David Levin
Comment 8
2010-04-23 18:02:33 PDT
Comment on
attachment 54198
Updated patch You're missing the changes in WebCore, so please make sure to include that when you land it. About this "Atomics.h is messed up in this version."... I got mixed up because it was in the patch twice (due to the svn cp I guess).
Sam Weinig
Comment 9
2010-04-23 18:07:55 PDT
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