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Web Inspector: can resize the main window to be smaller than the minimum docked height
Web Inspector: can resize the main window to be smaller than the minimum dock...
Timothy Hatcher
2010-02-19 17:28:02 PST
Resizign the main window while docked can cause the Inspector to become smaller than the allowed minimum docked height. We should undock when this happens.
[PATCH] proposed patch v0
(5.73 KB, patch)
2010-06-13 12:00 PDT
Juan C. Montemayor E
: review-
Formatted Diff
Shows how Chrome does it properly, and how Safari hides the inspector incorrectly.
(184.15 KB, image/png)
2012-02-02 14:28 PST
Chris Chiera
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Juan C. Montemayor E
Comment 1
2010-06-13 12:00:41 PDT
attachment 58598
[PATCH] proposed patch v0 Docked Web inspector will automatically de-attach if the window gets too small. Known Issues -- • When docked, Web Inspector changes its height as the browser window is made smaller. • This causes the Web Inspector to be de-attached at different window sizes, depending on whether it was dragged beforehand or not. • Is the name "checkDockedWindowSize( )" descriptive enough?
Pavel Feldman
Comment 2
2010-06-14 01:41:52 PDT
Comment on
attachment 58598
[PATCH] proposed patch v0 This is an arguable change since resizing window to be smaller than minimum and restoring its original size would leave inspector undocked. In fact, I don't see anything critical in having inspector less than 250 pixels in height. We just need to make sure that inspector toolbar is visible so that the user was not confused. On the technical side of the change, I'd rather track inspected window size from within native code. Front-end code should not be responsible for the embedder's window size policy.
Chris Chiera
Comment 3
2012-02-02 14:28:13 PST
attachment 125191
Shows how Chrome does it properly, and how Safari hides the inspector incorrectly. I'm not sure why in the world you would want the inspector to undock when shrinking. It should simply let you shrink is high as the inspector is just like Chrome does however the bug is that it lets you shrink past that amount. I've attached a screenshot since the reviewer I'm not sure fully understands the issue.
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