[Qt] Text selection is slow with some huge wikipedia pages
Summary [Qt] Text selection is slow with some huge wikipedia pages
Davide Bettio
Reported 2010-02-17 07:17:57 PST
While page text is beeing selected the CPU usage increases up to 100%.
Tor Arne Vestbø
Comment 1 2010-03-10 06:41:47 PST
Please follow the QtWebKit bug reporting guidelines when reporting bugs. See Specifically: - The 'QtWebKit' component should only be used for bugs/features in the public QtWebKit API layer, not to signify that the bug is specific to the Qt port of WebKit - Add the keyword 'Qt' to signal that it's a Qt-related bug
Kent Hansen
Comment 2 2010-03-11 06:48:41 PST
Reproduced with Qt 4.6.3 against r55658. Wow, that's pretty bad.
Andri Möll
Comment 3 2010-03-24 15:10:27 PDT
Stumbled upon the same issue. From the info that the Web Inspector timeline gives, "Painting" takes ages, from tens of seconds to a minute.
Andri Möll
Comment 4 2010-03-24 19:51:40 PDT
I managed to track this down and work around it by removing a particular "position: absolute" CSS line on a nested div in my code, though there's apparently a weird bug lurking somewhere that happens (or so I hear) only on the Qt port of WebKit. Incl. Qt 4.7 tech preview.
Jocelyn Turcotte
Comment 5 2014-02-03 03:13:22 PST
=== Bulk closing of Qt bugs === If you believe that this bug report is still relevant for a non-Qt port of, please re-open it and remove [Qt] from the summary. If you believe that this is still an important QtWebKit bug, please fill a new report at and add a link to this issue. See for additional guidelines.
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