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feed:// support for syndicated content in HTML pages
feed:// support for syndicated content in HTML pages
Alexander Romanovich
2010-02-10 06:16:49 PST
I'm a developer experimenting with new features of a parsing library that's used in our commercial CMS. The library currently uses content and source sniffing to determine the format of the data returned by an url that is fed in. Recently I have played with the idea of parsing a regular HTML page as syndicated content. This is possible because the HTML 5 spec provides a way to embed syndicated content in your pages via the new article, time, and header tags. Therefore I am now able to pass in the url to an HTML page containing syndicated articles and display the result exactly as I would an RSS feed. I am not sure if this is in the spirit of the HTML 5 spec, or if the WebKit team finds this useful, but I was thinking it might be interesting to support this natively in WebKit via the "feed://" protocol. In this case, given the URL to an HTML document instead of an RSS document, you'd parse out any syndicated content and display it in the manner you do with RSS feeds.
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