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[Qt] the above website does not render properly when in compositing mode
[Qt] the above website does not render properly when in compositing mode
Noam Rosenthal
2010-02-06 12:30:54 PST
This is due to a wrong path for rendering compositing masks - the opacity effect doesn't get updated when the mask is updated.
GraphicsLayerQt: masks are now being handled outside the layer's paintEvent
(10.78 KB, patch)
2010-02-06 18:58 PST
Noam Rosenthal
: review-
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Masks in GraphicsLayerQt; +added in-code comments
(10.62 KB, patch)
2010-02-07 23:08 PST
Noam Rosenthal
no flags
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Masks in GraphicsLayerQt; +added in-code comments +removed some whitespace
(10.65 KB, patch)
2010-02-07 23:53 PST
Noam Rosenthal
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Masks in GraphicsLayerQt; +added in-code comments +removed some whitespace +even more comments!
(10.81 KB, patch)
2010-02-08 11:45 PST
Noam Rosenthal
no flags
Formatted Diff
Masks in GraphicsLayerQt; +removed unnecessary assert/whitepsace/funny English
(10.44 KB, patch)
2010-02-08 12:53 PST
Noam Rosenthal
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Noam Rosenthal
Comment 1
2010-02-06 18:58:17 PST
attachment 48302
GraphicsLayerQt: masks are now being handled outside the layer's paintEvent
Ariya Hidayat
Comment 2
2010-02-07 22:13:46 PST
Comment on
attachment 48302
GraphicsLayerQt: masks are now being handled outside the layer's paintEvent
> +class MaskEffectQt : public QGraphicsEffect {
If we still need to support Qt 4.5, better enclose this in #ifdef QT_VERSION for 4.6 and beyond. And yes, there should be an alternative code path for Qt 4.5 even if it means the test site will not work.
> + QPixmap srcPixmap = sourcePixmap(Qt::LogicalCoordinates, &offset, QGraphicsEffect::NoPad); > + QPixmap pixmap(srcPixmap.size()); > + pixmap.fill(Qt::transparent); > + > + if (pixmap.isNull()) > + return; > + > + QPainter pixmapPainter(&pixmap); > + pixmapPainter.setRenderHints(painter->renderHints()); > + pixmapPainter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); > + pixmapPainter.drawPixmap(0, 0, srcPixmap);
That sounds inefficient. Why do you need to create 'pixmap', fill it transparent, then draw those pixels over again with srcPixmap? I guess, simple QPIxmap pixmap = srcPixmap should work (QPixmap will detach as soon as you start the pixmapPainter).
> + pixmapPainter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationIn); > + pixmapPainter.drawPixmap(0, 0, maskPixmap); > + pixmapPainter.end(); > + painter->drawPixmap(offset, pixmap);
Brings me another question: do we need 'pixmap' at all? Can't we just do: painter->save(); painter->setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); painter->drawPixmap(offset, srcPixmap); painter->setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationIn); painter->drawPixmap(0, 0, maskPixmap); painter->restore();
> void GraphicsLayerQt::setBackgroundColor(const Color& c) > { > + if (c == backgroundColor()) > + return;
Is this necessary for this patch or is it actually a separate optimization? Otherwise, looks really good :)
Noam Rosenthal
Comment 3
2010-02-07 22:29:45 PST
Re. 4.5: the whole file GraphicsLayerQt.cpp will not be compiled in 4.5 anyway, see WebCore.pro. (In reply to
comment #2
> (From update of
attachment 48302
) > > +class MaskEffectQt : public QGraphicsEffect { > > If we still need to support Qt 4.5, better enclose this in #ifdef QT_VERSION > for 4.6 and beyond.
The whole GraphicsLayerQt.cpp file and the rest of the compositing features don't get compiled in 4.5 anyway, they rely on QAnimation and other goodies.
> That sounds inefficient. Why do you need to create 'pixmap', fill it > transparent, then draw those pixels over again with srcPixmap? > I guess, simple QPIxmap pixmap = srcPixmap should work (QPixmap will detach as > soon as you start the pixmapPainter).
It SEEMS inefficient, but it actually a lot more efficient! QPixmap::detach in OpenGL engine calls QPixmap::toImage, meaning copy from video memory to system memory. Painting to a new pixmap in video memory is a lot more efficient. Without this code path I end up with 10% of the total time in copying pixels from video memory to system memory (or so valgrind claims). See
The website I put as a test-case here runs with ~15fps now, and ~8FPS when I use QGraphicsOpacityEffect, which does the QPixmap detach thingy.
> > > > + pixmapPainter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationIn); > > + pixmapPainter.drawPixmap(0, 0, maskPixmap); > > + pixmapPainter.end(); > > + painter->drawPixmap(offset, pixmap); > > Brings me another question: do we need 'pixmap' at all? Can't we just do: > > painter->save(); > painter->setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); > painter->drawPixmap(offset, srcPixmap); > painter->setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationIn); > painter->drawPixmap(0, 0, maskPixmap); > painter->restore();
Then I'd be setting a DestinationIn composition mode on the whole viewport in case I'm not in a cache-mode - potentially masking things I shouldn't. I tried this :)
> > > > void GraphicsLayerQt::setBackgroundColor(const Color& c) > > { > > + if (c == backgroundColor()) > > + return; > > Is this necessary for this patch or is it actually a separate optimization? >
Necessary for this patch. Apparently when I have manage the mask layer in the new way WebCore keeps calling setBackgroundColor with the old color, which constantly updates the layer.
Noam Rosenthal
Comment 4
2010-02-07 22:55:28 PST
Disregard the last remark - the BackgroundColor optimization is separate and not actually necessary.
Noam Rosenthal
Comment 5
2010-02-07 23:08:47 PST
attachment 48321
Masks in GraphicsLayerQt; +added in-code comments Based on Ariya's comments: - Removed an optimization that's unrelated to the bug - Added in-code comments in places where I feel my approach is justified :)
Noam Rosenthal
Comment 6
2010-02-07 23:53:14 PST
attachment 48323
Masks in GraphicsLayerQt; +added in-code comments +removed some whitespace oops, found some whitespace, saving a re-re-review
Ariya Hidayat
Comment 7
2010-02-08 09:40:10 PST
> The whole GraphicsLayerQt.cpp file and the rest of the compositing features > don't get compiled in 4.5 anyway, they rely on QAnimation and other goodies.
Ah OK, my bad, I missed that.
> It SEEMS inefficient, but it actually a lot more efficient! QPixmap::detach in > OpenGL engine calls QPixmap::toImage, meaning copy from video memory to system > memory. Painting to a new pixmap in video memory is a lot more efficient. > Without this code path I end up with 10% of the total time in copying pixels > from video memory to system memory (or so valgrind claims). > See
Seems that this is only for OpenGL graphics system? I can't imagine this is faster in X11 or raster engine, though. Also, even if you insist on doing that, is the Qt::transparent fill absolutely necessary? You replace all pixels in that pixmap (due to CompositionMode_Source) right after that.
> Then I'd be setting a DestinationIn composition mode on the whole viewport in > case I'm not in a cache-mode - potentially masking things I shouldn't. > I tried this :)
Even with clipping out QRect(offset, pixmap.size())?
Ariya Hidayat
Comment 8
2010-02-08 09:42:38 PST
> Even with clipping out QRect(offset, pixmap.size())?
Ignore this, I finally understood why you don't want to mask anything outside the item cache.
Noam Rosenthal
Comment 9
2010-02-08 10:34:04 PST
> > See
> > Seems that this is only for OpenGL graphics system? I can't imagine this is > faster in X11 or raster engine, though.
Drawing a pixmap I would think that detaching a QPixmap and drawing a QPixmap to another one should be similar cost on raster/X11, and definitely not as costly as detaching on OpenGL. Also I'd rather optimize for raster/OpenGL paint engines, which are what we use on embedded, rather than for the X11 paint engine which is slower for everything anyway :)
Noam Rosenthal
Comment 10
2010-02-08 11:17:13 PST
btw, the QPixmap::fill(Qt::transparent) is important to make the pixmap have "hasAlpha". any better way of doing that?
Ariya Hidayat
Comment 11
2010-02-08 11:29:24 PST
> I would think that detaching a QPixmap and drawing a QPixmap to another one > should be similar cost on raster/X11, and definitely not as costly as detaching > on OpenGL. Also I'd rather optimize for raster/OpenGL paint engines, which are > what we use on embedded, rather than for the X11 paint engine which is slower > for everything anyway :)
It's not the detach, it's because instead detach you have to do these 3 steps: Create a new pixmap with the same size Open a painter Draw srcPixmap before masking it. I suspect on X11/raster, these steps are faster: Create a copy of the pixmap Open a painter (implies a detach) Mask the pixmap And according to your test, these are faster on OpenGL: Create a new pixmap (from scratch) with the same size (Fill it with transparent pixels) Open a painter Draw srcPixmap Mask the pixmap Hence, my concerns that your approach will have an impact on non-GL engine. However, this is just a wild guess. A proper fps benchmark is necessary to justify the worry :)
Noam Rosenthal
Comment 12
2010-02-08 11:45:51 PST
attachment 48348
Masks in GraphicsLayerQt; +added in-code comments +removed some whitespace +even more comments! Captured the comments thread in in-code comments
Kenneth Rohde Christiansen
Comment 13
2010-02-08 12:09:07 PST
Comment on
attachment 48348
Masks in GraphicsLayerQt; +added in-code comments +removed some whitespace +even more comments!
> + QPixmap srcPixmap = sourcePixmap(Qt::LogicalCoordinates, &offset, QGraphicsEffect::NoPad); > + > +
One newline too much
> + if (m_state.drawsContent) { > + // this is the "expensive" bit. we try to minimize calls to this neck of the woods by proper caching
Better to get to the point, instead of using sophisticated/funny English :-)
> + Q_ASSERT(this);
I'm not sure if it is better to use WebCore ASSERT or not?
Noam Rosenthal
Comment 14
2010-02-08 12:53:22 PST
attachment 48355
Masks in GraphicsLayerQt; +removed unnecessary assert/whitepsace/funny English
Noam Rosenthal
Comment 15
2010-02-08 22:41:50 PST
I saw that it failed the commit bot due to ChangeLog... do I need to resubmit?
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 16
2010-02-09 02:08:06 PST
Comment on
attachment 48355
Masks in GraphicsLayerQt; +removed unnecessary assert/whitepsace/funny English Clearing flags on attachment: 48355 Committed
: <
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 17
2010-02-09 02:08:12 PST
All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug.
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