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MathML Support for munder, mover, and munderover
MathML Support for munder, mover, and munderover
Alex Milowski
2010-01-28 10:54:27 PST
attachment 47632
munder/over support patch This patch adds basic rendering of munder, mover, and munderover.
munder/over support patch
(109.16 KB, patch)
2010-01-28 10:54 PST
Alex Milowski
no flags
Formatted Diff
Updated patch to fix style errors
(109.08 KB, patch)
2010-01-28 11:07 PST
Alex Milowski
no flags
Formatted Diff
Updated patch to include updates from the change in CSS from bug 34275
(108.90 KB, patch)
2010-01-29 12:45 PST
Alex Milowski
no flags
Formatted Diff
Updated patch to latest trunk with anonymous blocks removed.
(108.77 KB, patch)
2010-02-08 20:57 PST
Alex Milowski
: review+
: commit-queue-
Formatted Diff
Updated patch to address reviewer comments
(109.47 KB, patch)
2010-02-26 08:19 PST
Alex Milowski
no flags
Formatted Diff
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WebKit Review Bot
Comment 1
2010-01-28 10:56:28 PST
Attachment 47632
did not pass style-queue: Failed to run "WebKitTools/Scripts/check-webkit-style" exit_code: 1 WebCore/mathml/RenderMathMLUnderOver.cpp:123: Missing spaces around != [whitespace/operators] [3] WebCore/mathml/RenderMathMLUnderOver.cpp:125: One line control clauses should not use braces. [whitespace/braces] [4] WebCore/mathml/RenderMathMLUnderOver.cpp:162: One line control clauses should not use braces. [whitespace/braces] [4] WebCore/mathml/RenderMathMLUnderOver.cpp:164: One line control clauses should not use braces. [whitespace/braces] [4] WebCore/mathml/RenderMathMLUnderOver.cpp:189: One line control clauses should not use braces. [whitespace/braces] [4] WebCore/mathml/RenderMathMLUnderOver.cpp:211: One line control clauses should not use braces. [whitespace/braces] [4] WebCore/mathml/RenderMathMLUnderOver.cpp:226: One line control clauses should not use braces. [whitespace/braces] [4] Total errors found: 7 If any of these errors are false positives, please file a bug against check-webkit-style.
Alex Milowski
Comment 2
2010-01-28 11:07:39 PST
attachment 47636
Updated patch to fix style errors
Alex Milowski
Comment 3
2010-01-29 12:45:23 PST
attachment 47729
Updated patch to include updates from the change in CSS from
bug 34275
Alex Milowski
Comment 4
2010-02-08 20:57:17 PST
attachment 48389
Updated patch to latest trunk with anonymous blocks removed.
Kenneth Rohde Christiansen
Comment 5
2010-02-25 17:57:30 PST
Comment on
attachment 48389
Updated patch to latest trunk with anonymous blocks removed.
> +static const double underNormalAdjust = -0.4; > +static const double fontAdjust = 0.75;
Other places in WebKit we have globals prefixed with g. I think Darin Adler suggested that to me once. Also it would be nice with a comment explaining where these numbers come from.
> + > +RenderMathMLUnderOver::RenderMathMLUnderOver(Node* expression) > + : RenderMathMLBlock(expression) > +{ > + Element* element = static_cast<Element*>(expression); > + // Determine what kind of under/over expression we have by element name > + m_kind = Under; > + if (element->hasLocalName(MathMLNames::moverTag)) > + m_kind = Over; > + else if (element->hasLocalName(MathMLNames::munderoverTag)) > + m_kind = UnderOver; > +}
So in the above, if it is an "under" you get to call hasLocalName 2 times. So I guess you didn't add an if for 'under' as some kind of optimization? Is that call expensive? Is the 'over' tag the most common?
> + > +void RenderMathMLUnderOver::addChild(RenderObject* child, RenderObject* beforeChild) > +{ > + > + RenderMathMLBlock* row = new (renderArena()) RenderMathMLBlock(node());
I have notices that you have one extra newline after {. This is different from current WebKit code. Please avoid that.
> + RefPtr<RenderStyle> rowStyle = makeBlockStyle(); > + row->setStyle(rowStyle.release()); > + > + // look through the children for rendered elements > + int blocks = 0; > + RenderObject* current = this->firstChild(); > + while (current) { > + blocks++; > + current = current->nextSibling(); > + }
If I didn't miss anything in the above you don't use current for anything, but to count?
> +void RenderMathMLUnderOver::stretchToHeight(int height) > +{ > + > + RenderObject* base = firstChild(); > + if (!base) > + return; > + if (m_kind != Under) > + base = base->nextSibling(); > + if (!base) > + return; > + // use the child of the row which is the actual base > + base = base->firstChild();
So if it is not under you have to get the first child of the next sibling, or else the first child will do. It is not exactly obvious to me, maybe add a comment on the logic?
> + > + > +void RenderMathMLUnderOver::layout()
You don't need two newlines in the above
> +{ > + > + RenderBlock::layout(); > + RenderObject* over = 0; > + RenderObject* base = 0; > + switch (m_kind) { > + case Over: > + // We need to calculate the baseline over the over versus the start of the base and > + // adjust the placement of the base. > + over = firstChild(); > + if (over) { > + // FIXME: descending glyphs intrude into base (e.g. lowercase y over base) > + // FIXME: bases that ascend higher than the line box intrude into the over > + int overSpacing = static_cast<int>(0.667 * (getOffsetHeight(over) - over->firstChild()->baselinePosition(true)));
Shouldn't you use a descriptive constant instead of 0.667?
> + > + // base row wrapper > + base = over->nextSibling(); > + if (base) { > + if (overSpacing>0)
Coding style, missing spaces around >
> + > +int RenderMathMLUnderOver::baselinePosition(bool , bool) const
Remove that space before the , In the future I would put the tests as a separate patch, especially because of the images. Generally looks good, but please fix the above before landing.
Alex Milowski
Comment 6
2010-02-26 07:19:48 PST
(In reply to
comment #5
> (From update of
attachment 48389
) > > > +static const double underNormalAdjust = -0.4; > > +static const double fontAdjust = 0.75; > > Other places in WebKit we have globals prefixed with g. I think Darin Adler > suggested that to me once. > > Also it would be nice with a comment explaining where these numbers come from.
That's actually unused code. I will make a constant for the other factor.
> > > + > > +RenderMathMLUnderOver::RenderMathMLUnderOver(Node* expression) > > + : RenderMathMLBlock(expression) > > +{ > > + Element* element = static_cast<Element*>(expression); > > + // Determine what kind of under/over expression we have by element name > > + m_kind = Under; > > + if (element->hasLocalName(MathMLNames::moverTag)) > > + m_kind = Over; > > + else if (element->hasLocalName(MathMLNames::munderoverTag)) > > + m_kind = UnderOver; > > +} > > So in the above, if it is an "under" you get to call hasLocalName 2 times. So I > guess you didn't add an if for 'under' as some kind of optimization? Is that > call expensive? Is the 'over' tag the most common?
Nope. I've changed it to check for the localname for munder and then default to Under as a last resort. I don't really think it is any faster but it is probably easier to understand.
> > + RefPtr<RenderStyle> rowStyle = makeBlockStyle(); > > + row->setStyle(rowStyle.release()); > > + > > + // look through the children for rendered elements > > + int blocks = 0; > > + RenderObject* current = this->firstChild(); > > + while (current) { > > + blocks++; > > + current = current->nextSibling(); > > + } > > If I didn't miss anything in the above you don't use current for anything, but > to count?
Just counting. I don't see a clean way to get the number of children from the RenderObject API.
> > > +void RenderMathMLUnderOver::stretchToHeight(int height) > > +{ > > + > > + RenderObject* base = firstChild(); > > + if (!base) > > + return; > > + if (m_kind != Under) > > + base = base->nextSibling(); > > + if (!base) > > + return; > > + // use the child of the row which is the actual base > > + base = base->firstChild(); > > So if it is not under you have to get the first child of the next sibling, or > else the first child will do. It is not exactly obvious to me, maybe add a > comment on the logic?
Sure. I add a comment but the base (what things are under/over) is either the first or second child depending on what kind of element you have.
> > +{ > > + > > + RenderBlock::layout(); > > + RenderObject* over = 0; > > + RenderObject* base = 0; > > + switch (m_kind) { > > + case Over: > > + // We need to calculate the baseline over the over versus the start of the base and > > + // adjust the placement of the base. > > + over = firstChild(); > > + if (over) { > > + // FIXME: descending glyphs intrude into base (e.g. lowercase y over base) > > + // FIXME: bases that ascend higher than the line box intrude into the over > > + int overSpacing = static_cast<int>(0.667 * (getOffsetHeight(over) - over->firstChild()->baselinePosition(true))); > > Shouldn't you use a descriptive constant instead of 0.667?
Just a scaling factor. I'm removing two thirds of the space. I've made that a global constant.
> In the future I would put the tests as a separate patch, especially because of > the images.
I was told differently and so I've included the pixel tests in all my patches.
> > Generally looks good, but please fix the above before landing.
There is an updated patch on the way. Just testing it now.
Alex Milowski
Comment 7
2010-02-26 08:19:43 PST
attachment 49585
Updated patch to address reviewer comments
Kenneth Rohde Christiansen
Comment 8
2010-02-26 08:20:18 PST
> I was told differently and so I've included the pixel tests in all my > patches.
Fine, I don't feel strongly about it.
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 9
2010-02-26 14:07:44 PST
Comment on
attachment 49585
Updated patch to address reviewer comments Clearing flags on attachment: 49585 Committed
: <
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 10
2010-02-26 14:07:51 PST
All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug.
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