In Linux web browsers based on Qt-Webkit the Del button on the numeric keypad doesn't work. The other Delete button works fine. To reproduce open a page with a text input form, e.g., type some text into the "Search" form, move the cursor to the middle of the text and press the Delete button with the decimal point. This should delete the symbol to the right of the cursor, but it does nothing. Observed in Rekonq and Arora browsers. OS: Gentoo Linux AMD64, kernel version 2.6.30-gentoo-r5, xorg-server version 1.6.5-r1, Qt-Webkit version: 4.6.0-r1 (not sure to which version of webkit it corresponds). Keyboard was configured with the command: setxkbmap -layout 'us,ru(winkeys)' -option 'grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll,numpad:microsoft,compose:caps' Pressing Del generated no error messages in the console.
Please follow the QtWebKit bug reporting guidelines when reporting bugs. See Specifically: - The 'QtWebKit' component should only be used for bugs/features in the public QtWebKit API layer, not to signify that the bug is specific to the Qt port of WebKit - Add the keyword 'Qt' to signal that it's a Qt-related bug
Reproduced against r55658.
This was fixed by changeset 67389.