Give command-line sunspider the ability to handle multiple suites and versions
Summary Give command-line sunspider the ability to handle multiple suites and versions
Maciej Stachowiak
Reported 2009-12-12 17:13:51 PST
Give command-line sunspider the ability to handle multiple suites and versions. (Hosted SunSpider will be done later as a separate patch.)
patch (deleted)
2009-12-12 17:59 PST, Maciej Stachowiak
oliver: review+
Maciej Stachowiak
Comment 1 2009-12-12 17:59:31 PST
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 2 2009-12-12 18:01:00 PST
style-queue ran check-webkit-style on attachment 44747 [details] without any errors.
Oliver Hunt
Comment 3 2009-12-12 18:02:15 PST
Comment on attachment 44747 [details] patch r=me, rs=me for the file moves
Maciej Stachowiak
Comment 4 2009-12-12 18:43:18 PST
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