[Qt] UI Refresh rate: Bubble mark test - low fps in potrait mode
Summary [Qt] UI Refresh rate: Bubble mark test - low fps in potrait mode
Petri Ojala
Reported 2009-12-11 04:18:18 PST
1. Load page in landscape mode in browser 2.Select no of balls : 16 and note down the fps measures displayed top right corner of the animation 3. Load the same page in potrait mode and note the measures of fps The measures for potrait mode seems to fluctuating between 7 to 25 The measures for landscape mode is constant around 30 fps Expected: The Potrait mode fps should be constant around 30 fps
Benjamin Poulain
Comment 1 2010-02-28 07:25:44 PST
> The measures for potrait mode seems to fluctuating between 7 to 25 > The measures for landscape mode is constant around 30 fps > > Expected: The Potrait mode fps should be constant around 30 fps Some Symbian phones have a driver issue producing exactly the behavior described here. I mark the task as invalid as it is unlikely related to WebKit. If you can reduce the issue to WebKit only, please provide a trace, or the list of the most time consuming functions (in landscape and portrait), so there is at least something to work on.
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