Update back/forward navigation model to accurately follow HTML5 spec for state objects/hash changes
Summary Update back/forward navigation model to accurately follow HTML5 spec for stat...
Brady Eidson
Reported 2009-12-01 21:15:19 PST
Update back/forward navigation model to accurately follow HTML5 spec for state objects/hash changes HTML5 specifies navigation and history traversal in terms of which document a navigation belongs to. This precise specification affects how hash changes and state object ( traversals work, especially when scheduled during a page load (the page load shouldn't be cancelled if the scheduled navigation is to the same document)
Brady Eidson
Comment 1 2009-12-02 10:58:13 PST
Another thing covered by this bug is going back to a page that is in the page cache - activating page-cache items does not yet handle the popstate machinery, but having *all* back/forward history items track their document should help fix this.
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