NEW 31678
contentEditable doesn't wrap elements around content until after the first line
Summary contentEditable doesn't wrap elements around content until after the first line
Tim McConnell
Reported 2009-11-19 12:16:23 PST
For a new contentEditable region, only the second line will be wrapped in a container element (e.g. div or p). Repro steps: 1) Navigate to 2) Click into the CE region and type a line 3) Hit enter and type another line 4) Click "View HTML Source" Actual: You will see that the first line is not contained in the relevant line element. Expected: The first line, like the second line, has been wrapped in the editor's line element. Problem: Because content is not uniformly wrapped, operations that should apply to the current line/block will fail on the first line. Any attempt to walk the DOM to find the parent will reach the contentEditable root.
Aryeh Gregor
Comment 1 2011-08-19 09:08:35 PDT
I specced IE/Opera's behavior, which is to wrap every line in a <p>, including the current one as soon as the user hits enter: The relevant case is "If container is not editable or not in the same editing host as node or is not a single-line container:". This basically wraps the current line in a <p>, although admittedly that's unlikely to be clear on a casual read. I specced it this way because I agree that it's useful for every line to have a wrapper, so that they can be handled consistently.
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