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[Haiku] Bug fix in GraphicsContextHaiku.cpp. Wrong CamelCase on ColorSpace.
[Haiku] Bug fix in GraphicsContextHaiku.cpp. Wrong CamelCase on ColorSpace.
Maxime Simon
2009-11-14 15:26:20 PST
attachment 43233
Patch Since a recent change, the haiku port doesn't build. It seems that's because there is a wrong CamelCase on ColorSpace in GraphicsContext::setPlatformFillColor.
(1.15 KB, patch)
2009-11-14 15:26 PST
Maxime Simon
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Adam Barth
Comment 1
2009-11-14 23:17:38 PST
Comment on
attachment 43233
Patch Oops. Wrong account.
Maxime Simon
Comment 2
2009-11-15 02:35:27 PST
Comment on
attachment 43233
Patch Rejecting patch 43233 from commit-queue. Found no modified ChangeLogs, cannot create a commit message. All changes require a ChangeLog. See:
Maxime Simon
Comment 3
2009-11-15 04:51:37 PST
Comment on
attachment 43233
Patch Rejecting patch 43233 from commit-queue. Failed to run "['WebKitTools/Scripts/run-webkit-tests']" exit_code: 1 Last 500 characters of output: ........................................ traversal ..................... traversal/hixie-node-iterator .......... userscripts .. webarchive ...................... webarchive/loading .. websocket/tests .... 918.92s total testing time 11615 test cases (99%) succeeded 7 test cases (<1%) had incorrect layout 2 test cases (<1%) crashed 7 test cases (<1%) had stderr output Starting Safari with DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH set to point to built WebKit in /Users/maxime/Programmation/WebKit/WebKitBuild/Release.
Maxime Simon
Comment 4
2009-11-15 05:13:36 PST
If we except the fact that some tests didn't succeed (I'm pretty sure this is normal), I cannot land the patch. I'm stalled on "Parsing ChangeLog: WebCore/ChangeLog". Do I lack some python modules and it doesn't tell me? I didn't find any similar bug on Bugzilla so I suspect the fault to be mine. I also tried using --dry-run ( I didn't want to noise this bug more. ) and it works but with a "Skipping log in for dry run..." message. Here is the command I used: ./WebKitTools/Scripts/bugzilla-tool land-patches --ignore-builders --force-clean --no-test 31511
Maxime Simon
Comment 5
2009-11-15 05:35:02 PST
(In reply to
comment #4
> If we except the fact that some tests didn't succeed (I'm pretty sure this is > normal), I cannot land the patch. I'm stalled on "Parsing ChangeLog: > WebCore/ChangeLog". Do I lack some python modules and it doesn't tell me? I > didn't find any similar bug on Bugzilla so I suspect the fault to be mine. > I also tried using --dry-run ( I didn't want to noise this bug more. ) and it > works but with a "Skipping log in for dry run..." message. > > Here is the command I used: > ./WebKitTools/Scripts/bugzilla-tool land-patches --ignore-builders > --force-clean --no-test 31511
I forgot to mention that I'm using a git with tracking of the SVN repository. It may be the reason why it didn't work. I know I can land the patch using "git svn dcommit" but it would have been nice if I can use bugzilla-tool. ( Also I can do a separate SVN checkout for commit purpose. )
Maxime Simon
Comment 6
2009-11-15 07:57:16 PST
(In reply to
comment #5
>( Also I can do a separate SVN checkout for commit purpose. )
I tried this way. But when time comes to enter the password, the displayed username is 'maxime'. Actually it should be 'maxime.simon(at)webkit(dot)org', but I don't see where I can change this. Is there something similar to "git config --global user.name "Foo Bar"" for subversion?
Adam Barth
Comment 7
2009-11-15 15:26:45 PST
Comment on
attachment 43233
Patch Clearing flags on attachment: 43233 Committed
: <
Adam Barth
Comment 8
2009-11-15 15:26:49 PST
All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug.
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