Missing JS display in Debugger
Summary Missing JS display in Debugger
Martin Häcker
Reported 2009-11-12 07:55:57 PST
Hi there, often (about once in 30 debugging sessions I'd say) when I stop at a breakpoint (either through the debugger; statement or by explicitly setting it in the debugger before a page load) the source to debug won't load. Other files mostly do if I switch to them, but even switching from the file in questions and back doesn't display it. Which makes it kinda hard to debug something if you don't see it. Stack trace and local variables display is perfectly there, but the source itself is missing.
Martin Häcker
Comment 1 2009-11-12 08:06:04 PST
This might be related to as the inspector also can't show the file (and the frequency of this happening dropped by a big ammount after the other issue got fixed.
Martin Häcker
Comment 2 2009-12-04 04:54:53 PST
Some further details: when this happens at first, it is sometimes enough to just reload the page and the problem goes away (i.e. the files are shown in the debugger). However the problem gets worse after some time, which means that then the file will never be shown in the debugger - no matter the reloads. This seems to happens to me after about two to four hours of WebKit usage. Regards, Martin
Martin Häcker
Comment 3 2009-12-04 07:07:30 PST
I would like to add, that if one keeps using WebKit after this starts to happen, it will crash after a time when closing the debugger when it is in a file that it can't show. Again after about half an hour of usage this started to happen and the crash (for the third time now) happened about one to two hours.
Timothy Hatcher
Comment 4 2009-12-04 09:43:58 PST
I am pretty sure this is a dupe but I can never find the bug…
Martin Häcker
Comment 5 2009-12-07 08:21:19 PST
Further info: If a file is not displayed, swithching the debugger to show a different file and then reloading the page (to re-run the testcases) will most probably show the file during the next reload. If the missing file is displayed before reloading the page, it most likely (>90%) will not show after the reload.
Martin Häcker
Comment 6 2009-12-09 07:12:51 PST
This bug is really annoying - but since nobody else has latched on to this bug report I guess it is my usage pattern that may help to show this bug much more often - so I will describe it here in the hope that it helps squashing the bug. My usecase is coding and debugging js heavy applications - which we do test-driven. That means that I constantly have a safari running that reloads the page that contains the test-suite three seconds after it has run to completion. Then when I want to debug something (mostly a test that is baffling me) I set a breakpoint in that test and open the web-inspector to halt there and let me step into my code to see what is broken. this is when the "js not showing" bug hits me the worst. Another info for reproduction: the js file visible before the page is reloaded (to get to the initial breakpoint again) is most likely to be the one that is hidden after the reload. So if a js file is hidden, it helps to switch the debugger to a different js file and then hit reload - mostly this works around the problem (but very annoying).
Brian Burg
Comment 7 2014-12-09 10:38:59 PST
Please re-file or reopen if this is still an issue with trunk.
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