LayoutTests/fast/loader/local-JavaScript-from-local.html times out in case of error.
Summary LayoutTests/fast/loader/local-JavaScript-from-local.html times out in case of...
Yuzo Fujishima
Reported 2009-10-16 01:49:49 PDT
LayoutTests/fast/loader/local-JavaScript-from-local.html calls layoutTestController.waitUntilDone() but doesn't call layoutTestController.notifyDone() if local script element load fails.
call notifyDone in case of error (1.19 KB, patch)
2009-10-16 01:55 PDT, Yuzo Fujishima
no flags
Yuzo Fujishima
Comment 1 2009-10-16 01:55:41 PDT
Created attachment 41277 [details] call notifyDone in case of error
Yuzo Fujishima
Comment 2 2009-10-16 01:57:32 PDT
Can anyone review the above 2-line patch? Yuzo
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 3 2009-10-16 13:06:00 PDT
Comment on attachment 41277 [details] call notifyDone in case of error Yuzo isn't a committer, so marking this cq+.
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 4 2009-10-16 13:21:19 PDT
Comment on attachment 41277 [details] call notifyDone in case of error Clearing flags on attachment: 41277 Committed r49691: <>
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 5 2009-10-16 13:21:23 PDT
All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug.
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