[Qt] QWebPage autotest crash: createViewlessPlugin
Summary [Qt] QWebPage autotest crash: createViewlessPlugin
Jędrzej Nowacki
Reported 2009-10-06 04:21:46 PDT
tst_QWebPage::createViewlessPlugin autotest crash. Traceback: (gdb) bt #0 0xb71a626e in WebCore::FrameLoaderClientQt::createPlugin (this=0x8dcbec0, pluginSize=@0xbfda232c, element=0x8decb00, url=@0xbfda2380, paramNames=@0xbfda24e8, paramValues=@0xbfda24dc, mimeType=@0xbfda24f4, loadManually=false) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/FrameLoaderClientQt.cpp:1233 #1 0xb6e98082 in WebCore::FrameLoader::loadPlugin (this=0x8dcc08c, renderer=0x8dce614, url=@0xbfda2380, mimeType=@0xbfda24f4, paramNames=@0xbfda24e8, paramValues=@0xbfda24dc, useFallback=false) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/loader/FrameLoader.cpp:1470 #2 0xb6ea533a in WebCore::FrameLoader::requestObject (this=0x8dcc08c, renderer=0x8dce614, url=@0xbfda24f8, frameName=@0xb80b25d4, mimeType=@0xbfda24f4, paramNames=@0xbfda24e8, paramValues=@0xbfda24dc) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/loader/FrameLoader.cpp:1405 #3 0xb70ce921 in WebCore::RenderPartObject::updateWidget (this=0x8dce614, onlyCreateNonNetscapePlugins=true) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/rendering/RenderPartObject.cpp:252 #4 0xb6dcb206 in WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::updateWidget (this=0x8decb00) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/html/HTMLObjectElement.cpp:170 #5 0xb6dddbea in WebCore::HTMLPlugInElement::updateWidgetCallback (n=0x8decb00) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/html/HTMLPlugInElement.cpp:180 #6 0xb6bebe2d in WebCore::ContainerNode::dispatchPostAttachCallbacks () at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/dom/ContainerNode.cpp:572 #7 0xb6bec23a in WebCore::ContainerNode::resumePostAttachCallbacks (this=0x8dccbb0) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/dom/ContainerNode.cpp:544 #8 0xb6c25a9e in WebCore::Document::recalcStyle (this=0x8dccbb0, change=WebCore::Node::NoChange) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/dom/Document.cpp:1292 #9 0xb6c21ab1 in WebCore::Document::updateStyleIfNeeded (this=0x8dccbb0) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/dom/Document.cpp:1315 #10 0xb6c14505 in WebCore::Document::updateStyleForAllDocuments () at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/dom/Document.cpp:1332 #11 0xb6c65c71 in WebCore::Node::dispatchGenericEvent (this=0x8dccbb0, prpEvent={m_ptr = 0xbfda2858}) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/dom/Node.cpp:2566 #12 0xb6c65e0a in WebCore::Node::dispatchEvent (this=0x8dccbb0, prpEvent={m_ptr = 0xbfda2890}) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/dom/Node.cpp:2447 #13 0xb6c2279e in WebCore::Document::finishedParsing (this=0x8dccbb0) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/dom/Document.cpp:4018 #14 0xb6dda2a4 in WebCore::HTMLParser::finished (this=0x8dde810) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/html/HTMLParser.cpp:1635 #15 0xb6df5684 in WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::end (this=0x8dcdc18) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/html/HTMLTokenizer.cpp:1859 #16 0xb6df5b5c in WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::finish (this=0x8dcdc18) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/html/HTMLTokenizer.cpp:1899 #17 0xb6bef199 in WebCore::Document::finishParsing (this=0x8dccbb0) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/dom/Document.cpp:1860 #18 0xb6e9a51a in WebCore::FrameLoader::endIfNotLoadingMainResource (this=0x8dcc08c) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/loader/FrameLoader.cpp:986 #19 0xb6e9a579 in WebCore::FrameLoader::end (this=0x8dcc08c) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/loader/FrameLoader.cpp:971 #20 0xb6e7dfba in WebCore::DocumentLoader::finishedLoading (this=0x8dd39e8) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/loader/DocumentLoader.cpp:330 #21 0xb6e920f7 in WebCore::FrameLoader::finishedLoading (this=0x8dcc08c) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/loader/FrameLoader.cpp:2875 #22 0xb6ebfe12 in WebCore::MainResourceLoader::didFinishLoading (this=0x8dd4c80) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/loader/MainResourceLoader.cpp:375 #23 0xb6ec1065 in WebCore::MainResourceLoader::continueAfterContentPolicy (this=0x8dd4c80, contentPolicy=WebCore::PolicyUse, r=@0x8dd4c98) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/loader/MainResourceLoader.cpp:262 #24 0xb6ec12c1 in WebCore::MainResourceLoader::continueAfterContentPolicy (this=0x8dd4c80, policy=WebCore::PolicyUse) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/loader/MainResourceLoader.cpp:278 #25 0xb6ec12fa in WebCore::MainResourceLoader::callContinueAfterContentPolicy (argument=0x8dd4c80, policy=WebCore::PolicyUse) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/loader/MainResourceLoader.cpp:270 #26 0xb6e9411d in WebCore::FrameLoader::checkContentPolicy (this=0x8dcc08c, MIMEType=@0x8dd4cc8, function=0xb6ec12d6 <WebCore::MainResourceLoader::callContinueAfterContentPolicy(void*, WebCore::PolicyAction)>, argument=0x8dd4c80) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/loader/FrameLoader.cpp:2241 #27 0xb6ec0242 in WebCore::MainResourceLoader::didReceiveResponse (this=0x8dd4c80, r=@0xbfda2cec) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/loader/MainResourceLoader.cpp:323 #28 0xb6ebee92 in WebCore::MainResourceLoader::handleDataLoadNow (this=0x8dd4c80) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/loader/MainResourceLoader.cpp:420 #29 0xb6ebefcc in WebCore::MainResourceLoader::handleDataLoadSoon (this=0x8dd4c80, r=@0xbfda2f18) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/loader/MainResourceLoader.cpp:440 #30 0xb6ebf7a6 in WebCore::MainResourceLoader::loadNow (this=0x8dd4c80, r=@0xbfda2f18) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/loader/MainResourceLoader.cpp:467 #31 0xb6ebfc68 in WebCore::MainResourceLoader::load (this=0x8dd4c80, r=@0x8dd3c00, substituteData=@0x8dd3af4) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/loader/MainResourceLoader.cpp:495 #32 0xb6e7a675 in WebCore::DocumentLoader::startLoadingMainResource (this=0x8dd39e8, identifier=1) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/loader/DocumentLoader.cpp:790 #33 0xb6e8fa83 in WebCore::FrameLoader::continueLoadAfterWillSubmitForm (this=0x8dcc08c) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/loader/FrameLoader.cpp:3174 #34 0xb6ea4cd4 in WebCore::FrameLoader::continueLoadAfterNavigationPolicy (this=0x8dcc08c, formState={m_ptr = 0xbfda30f4}, shouldContinue=true) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/loader/FrameLoader.cpp:3808 #35 0xb6ea4d2f in WebCore::FrameLoader::callContinueLoadAfterNavigationPolicy (argument=0x8dcc08c, request=@0x8dd3c00, formState={m_ptr = 0xbfda31c8}, shouldContinue=true) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/loader/FrameLoader.cpp:3739 #36 0xb6e8d6d2 in WebCore::FrameLoader::checkNavigationPolicy (this=0x8dcc08c, request=@0x8dd3c00, loader=0x8dd39e8, formState={m_ptr = 0xbfda329c}, function=0xb6ea4cdc <WebCore::FrameLoader::callContinueLoadAfterNavigationPolicy(void*, WebCore::ResourceRequest const&, WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::FormState>, bool)>, argument=0x8dcc08c) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/loader/FrameLoader.cpp:3681 #37 0xb6e90798 in WebCore::FrameLoader::loadWithDocumentLoader (this=0x8dcc08c, loader=0x8dd39e8, type=WebCore::FrameLoadTypeStandard, prpFormState={m_ptr = 0xbfda32e0}) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/loader/FrameLoader.cpp:2154 #38 0xb6e90978 in WebCore::FrameLoader::load (this=0x8dcc08c, newDocumentLoader=0x8dd39e8) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/loader/FrameLoader.cpp:2115 #39 0xb6e90b8b in WebCore::FrameLoader::load (this=0x8dcc08c, request=@0xbfda33b8, substituteData=@0xbfda3458, lockHistory=false) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebCore/loader/FrameLoader.cpp:2056 #40 0xb71b4755 in QWebFrame::setHtml (this=0x8dca958, html=@0xbfda35b0, baseUrl=@0xbfda35b4) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebKit/qt/Api/qwebframe.cpp:724 #41 0x08055099 in tst_QWebPage::createViewlessPlugin (this=0xbfda42f4) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebKit/qt/tests/qwebpage/tst_qwebpage.cpp:664 #42 0x08066127 in tst_QWebPage::qt_metacall (this=0xbfda42f4, _c=QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, _id=15, _a=0xbfda3690) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebKitBuild/Debug/WebKit/qt/tests/qwebpage/./tst_qwebpage.moc:132 #43 0xb49add87 in QMetaObject::metacall (object=0xbfda42f4, cl=QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, idx=19, argv=0xbfda3690) at /home/nierob/dev/qt/src/corelib/kernel/qmetaobject.cpp:237 #44 0xb49b156f in QMetaMethod::invoke (this=0xbfda3a14, object=0xbfda42f4, connectionType=Qt::DirectConnection, returnValue={<QGenericArgument> = {_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, <No data fields>}, val0={_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, val1={_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, val2= {_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, val3={_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, val4={_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, val5={_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, val6={_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, val7={_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, val8={_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, val9={_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}) at /home/nierob/dev/qt/src/corelib/kernel/qmetaobject.cpp:1533 #45 0xb49b1d51 in QMetaObject::invokeMethod (obj=0xbfda42f4, member=0x8d5db90 "createViewlessPlugin", type=Qt::DirectConnection, ret={<QGenericArgument> = {_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, <No data fields>}, val0={_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, val1={_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, val2={_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, val3={_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, val4={_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, val5={_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, val6={_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, val7={_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, val8={_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, val9={_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}) at /home/nierob/dev/qt/src/corelib/kernel/qmetaobject.cpp:1113 #46 0xb58e8776 in QMetaObject::invokeMethod (obj=0xbfda42f4, member=0x8d5db90 "createViewlessPlugin", type=Qt::DirectConnection, val0={_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, val1={_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, val2={_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, val3={_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, val4= {_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, val5={_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, val6={_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, val7={_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, val8={_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}, val9={_data = 0x0, _name = 0x0}) at ../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/kernel/qobjectdefs.h:396 #47 0xb58e2f78 in qInvokeTestMethodDataEntry (slot=0x8d5db90 "createViewlessPlugin") at /home/nierob/dev/qt/src/testlib/qtestcase.cpp:1213 #48 0xb58e4452 in qInvokeTestMethod (slotName=0x8072329 "createViewlessPlugin()", data=0x0) at /home/nierob/dev/qt/src/testlib/qtestcase.cpp:1308 #49 0xb58e4be9 in qInvokeTestMethods (testObject=0xbfda42f4) at /home/nierob/dev/qt/src/testlib/qtestcase.cpp:1453 #50 0xb58e5cc3 in QTest::qExec (testObject=0xbfda42f4, argc=2, argv=0xbfda43b4) at /home/nierob/dev/qt/src/testlib/qtestcase.cpp:1666 #51 0x08052943 in main (argc=2, argv=0xbfda43b4) at /home/nierob/dev/webkit/WebKit/qt/tests/qwebpage/tst_qwebpage.cpp:1422 (gdb)
fix (7.98 KB, patch)
2009-10-07 01:44 PDT, Jędrzej Nowacki
hausmann: review-
patch v2 (6.43 KB, patch)
2009-10-08 01:44 PDT, Jędrzej Nowacki
hausmann: review-
jedrzej.nowacki: commit-queue-
patch v3 (7.11 KB, patch)
2009-10-08 08:28 PDT, Jędrzej Nowacki
jedrzej.nowacki: review-
jedrzej.nowacki: commit-queue-
patch v4 (7.78 KB, patch)
2009-10-12 06:59 PDT, Jędrzej Nowacki
no flags
Jędrzej Nowacki
Comment 1 2009-10-06 04:41:01 PDT
Bug was introduced by patch for bug 29710. Apparently QWebPagePrivate::client (m_webFrame->page()->d->client) could be null.
Jędrzej Nowacki
Comment 2 2009-10-07 01:44:43 PDT
Created attachment 40772 [details] fix Fix repair autotest crash and memory leak that was before patch for bug 29710.
Jędrzej Nowacki
Comment 3 2009-10-07 01:54:51 PDT
Actually it is regression so I have changed to P1 and added keyword
Simon Hausmann
Comment 4 2009-10-07 07:53:56 PDT
Comment on attachment 40772 [details] fix As discussed in the office, the current code doesn't _actually_ leak as the WebCore::Widget subclasses for QWidget and QGraphicsWidget delete the objects in their destructor. However what is missing in the current code is a null pointer check if page->d->client is a null pointer.
Jędrzej Nowacki
Comment 5 2009-10-08 01:44:36 PDT
Created attachment 40861 [details] patch v2 Crash fix && Autotest
Simon Hausmann
Comment 6 2009-10-08 05:56:52 PDT
Comment on attachment 40861 [details] patch v2 > diff --git a/WebKit/qt/ChangeLog b/WebKit/qt/ChangeLog > index dbaa5a2..bd956ed 100644 > --- a/WebKit/qt/ChangeLog > +++ b/WebKit/qt/ChangeLog > @@ -1,3 +1,28 @@ > +2009-10-08 Jedrzej Nowacki <> > + > + Reviewed by NOBODY (OOPS!). > + > + QWebPage's createViewlessPlugin autotest crash fix. > + > + A plug-ins returning widgets (QWidget or QGraphicsWidget) might be > + created even in a viewless applications. The plug-ins won't be fully I suggest to start the first sentence with "It is possible that plugins that are QWidgets or QGraphicsWidgets are created before a view has been assigned to a QWebPage". > + functional, as by design, they should visualise something, but they > + won't crash and will stay, work in memory. > + > + Autotest was developped to cover a viewless applications that create > + a plug-ins based on the QGraphicsWidget class. Typo: developed with one p. How about "An autotest is included that covers this use-case." ? :) > -class PluginTrackedPage : public QWebPage > +class PluginTrackedPageWidget : public QWebPage > { > public: > > int count; > QPointer<QWidget> widget; > > - PluginTrackedPage(QWidget *parent = 0) : QWebPage(parent), count(0) { > + PluginTrackedPageWidget(QWidget *parent = 0) : QWebPage(parent), count(0) { > settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::PluginsEnabled, true); > } > > @@ -640,9 +641,28 @@ public: > } > }; > > +class PluginTrackedPageGraphicsWidget : public QWebPage > +{ > +public: > + > + int count; > + QPointer<QGraphicsWidget> widget; > + > + PluginTrackedPageGraphicsWidget(QWidget *parent = 0) : QWebPage(parent), count(0) { > + settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::PluginsEnabled, true); > + } Coding style: In function definitions place each brace on its own line. > + virtual QObject* createPlugin(const QString&, const QUrl&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&) { > + count++; > + QGraphicsWidget *w = new QGraphicsWidget; Coding style: * placement > + widget = w; > + return w; Why not simply write it in two lines? :) widget = new QGraphicsWidget; return widget;
Jędrzej Nowacki
Comment 7 2009-10-08 08:20:28 PDT
Comment on attachment 40861 [details] patch v2 Ok, I'll fix change log. > Coding style Punishment for copy & paste coding :-) > Why not simply write it in two lines? :) > > widget = new QGraphicsWidget; > return widget; In two lines? We can use only one :-) return widget = new QGraphicsWidget; Sorry for the errors, I should catch it before...
Jędrzej Nowacki
Comment 8 2009-10-08 08:28:55 PDT
Created attachment 40872 [details] patch v3 Next attempt.
Jędrzej Nowacki
Comment 9 2009-10-12 06:47:54 PDT
Comment on attachment 40872 [details] patch v3 Bad coding style.
Jędrzej Nowacki
Comment 10 2009-10-12 06:59:37 PDT
Created attachment 41040 [details] patch v4 Final version ?
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 11 2009-10-12 08:06:07 PDT
Comment on attachment 41040 [details] patch v4 Clearing flags on attachment: 41040 Committed r49440: <>
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 12 2009-10-12 08:06:11 PDT
All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug.
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