Make assertion clearer for case where UTF8 is not supported by platform TextCodec
Summary Make assertion clearer for case where UTF8 is not supported by platform TextC...
Yong Li
Reported 2009-09-29 17:33:16 PDT
UTF8Encoding() returns a static TextEncoding object. But if "UTF-8" is not registered by platform TextCodec, the encoding object will contain a null "m_name" and newTextCodec() will get a null "factory" function. There's already an ASSERT(factory.function) in newTextCodec(), but at that point, the encoding name is null. It's not so clear that the crash is due to missing UTF-8 support. ASSERT(factory.function) is supposed to detect the problem that the platform TextCodec forgets to register a factory for an encoding it has registered. So we think adding an ASSERT to UTF8Encoding() can be helpful.
the patch (964 bytes, patch)
2009-09-29 17:39 PDT, Yong Li
darin: review+ commit-queue-
Yong Li
Comment 1 2009-09-29 17:39:43 PDT
Created attachment 40337 [details] the patch the patch
Darin Adler
Comment 2 2009-09-29 17:40:55 PDT
Comment on attachment 40337 [details] the patch Seems fine.
Yong Li
Comment 3 2009-09-29 18:08:34 PDT
Landed @48913
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