[Qt] Update QWebElement API to remove script related methods.
Summary [Qt] Update QWebElement API to remove script related methods.
Jocelyn Turcotte
Reported 2009-09-24 02:57:16 PDT
QWebElement::evaluateScript is the only one kept, these are removed to postpone most of the QtWebKit<->JavaScript API design after 4.6. Methods removed: - QWebElement::callFunction - QWebElement::functions - QWebElement::scriptableProperty - QWebElement::setScriptableProperty - QWebElement::scriptableProperties
Patch (13.33 KB, patch)
2009-09-24 03:00 PDT, Jocelyn Turcotte
no flags
Patch v0.2 (14.17 KB, patch)
2009-09-24 04:39 PDT, Jocelyn Turcotte
hausmann: review+
Jocelyn Turcotte
Comment 1 2009-09-24 03:00:08 PDT
Jocelyn Turcotte
Comment 2 2009-09-24 04:39:26 PDT
Created attachment 40059 [details] Patch v0.2 Add missing qdoc corrections.
Simon Hausmann
Comment 3 2009-09-25 01:03:32 PDT
Comment on attachment 40059 [details] Patch v0.2 r=me. As sad as it is to see this stuff go, it's the right thing to do to.
Simon Hausmann
Comment 4 2009-09-25 01:54:07 PDT
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