We should remove the watchdog timer from DumpRenderTree
Summary We should remove the watchdog timer from DumpRenderTree
Andrew Wilson
Reported 2009-09-12 20:36:48 PDT
There's already a watchdog timer in run-webkit-tests - having a watchdog timer in DumpRenderTree itself makes it difficult to adjust timeout values via command line flags, or introduce longer timeouts when running valgrind/GuardMalloc. We should remove the watchdog timer in DumpRenderTree, and have the watchdog timer in run-webkit-tests signal DumpRenderTree to force a notifyDone() (perhaps by writing something to STDIN, or sending a signal, or some other mechanism).
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 1 2012-01-19 12:02:58 PST
See bug 74649 or bug 76612 for a disable option.
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