NEW 29108
eventSender.dragMode needs a better name
Summary eventSender.dragMode needs a better name
Eric Seidel (no email)
Reported 2009-09-09 14:54:29 PDT
eventSender.dragMode needs a better name From correspondence with Alexey: Eric: Is dragMode/replayEvents needed for all drags which start inside a WebView? On all platforms? Or only on drags which start inside a WebView and are dragged outside of the WebView? (if that's even possible in DRT...) Alexey: When introduced in r17574, replayEvents was used to test HTML drags (within a WebView, possibly across frames). I do not know whether we have any tests for dragging out of WebView - if we do, they'd have to use this or another similar mechanism. No idea about other platforms - it should be easy to check what EventSenderController does there. I still don't really understand what cases do and don't want dragMode. But we need to document those, and make the toggle have a nice name to reflect what it does.
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