WorkerContext::reportException() should dispatch exceptions to event listeners
Summary WorkerContext::reportException() should dispatch exceptions to event listeners
Andrew Wilson
Reported 2009-09-02 19:37:52 PDT
WorkerContext::reportException() only passes on the exception to error handlers registered via onerror(). It should also dispatch the error to errors registered via addEventListener().
Andrew Wilson
Comment 1 2009-09-05 08:32:16 PDT
Re-reading the spec, I believe this I was incorrect. Section 4.7 says: "Whenever an uncaught runtime script error occurs in one of the worker's scripts, if the error did not occur while handling a previous script error, the user agent must report the error using the WorkerGlobalScope object's onerror attribute. [HTML5]" Once the error has been fired at the onerror attribute, *then* it's turned into an event and sent back to the parent worker (which we correctly do now). But we don't need to fire an event in worker scope. Resolving this bug as invalid.
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