NEW 28843
text redraw bugs in plexode snake demo
Summary text redraw bugs in plexode snake demo
Ahmad Saleem
Comment 1 2024-04-19 12:17:05 PDT
> Safari Dev Tools > Layers > Enable Paint Flashing and open side bar to see paint and notice the area of painting. Repeat in Chrome Developer Tools > Run Command > 'show paint flashing rectangles' ___ Chrome seems to only paint limited area while Safari is painting larger area. _____ @Vitor - I just noticed this but my testing could be wrong, so I CCed - Alan and Simon for their insight as well (another opportunity to learn something new here).
Comment 2 2024-04-19 12:37:41 PDT
This could very well be just us repainting one (certainly larger) area instead of many small ones. Needs debugging. This doesn't have much to do with _text_ itself though.
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