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Cqh font size ignores CSS padding dynamically added to parent container with border-box
Cqh font size ignores CSS padding dynamically added to parent container with ...
Sergey Vinogradov
2024-12-23 22:52:05 PST
attachment 473646
Bug screenshot When adding CSS padding dynamically to a parent container with `box-sizing: border-box`, font-size set in cqh units doesn't adjust to the new container content box size. Conversely, if the CSS padding is initially defined in the CSS or added synchronously with JS, the font-size is calculated correctly. Here is the reproduction example:
``` <style> .container { container-type: size; box-sizing: border-box; width: 100px; height: 100px; border: 1px solid black; } .container__item { font-size: 100cqh; line-height: 1; } </style> <div class="container"> <div class="container__item">H</div> </div> <script> const icon = document.querySelector('.container'); setTimeout(() => { icon.style.padding = '25px'; }); </script> ``` In this example, the glitch appears when the padding is applied inside setTimeout but doesn't happen if it's applied synchronously without setTimeout.
Bug screenshot
(9.91 KB, image/jpeg)
2024-12-23 22:52 PST
Sergey Vinogradov
no flags
rendering in safari, firefox, chrome
(1.34 MB, image/png)
2024-12-24 04:02 PST
Karl Dubost
no flags
rendering in safari, firefox, chrome (after the H is at the right place)
(1.22 MB, image/png)
2024-12-24 04:04 PST
Karl Dubost
no flags
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Karl Dubost
Comment 1
2024-12-24 04:02:20 PST
attachment 473651
rendering in safari, firefox, chrome The initial rendering on Safari is slow, but eventually it goes at the same position than Chrome after a couple of seconds from 3s to 20s. On Firefox, it never gets resized. On Chrome, it is always immediate.
Karl Dubost
Comment 2
2024-12-24 04:04:40 PST
attachment 473652
rendering in safari, firefox, chrome (after the H is at the right place) Once the couple of seconds have passed. This was tested on ``` Safari Technology Preview 18.2 20621.1.6 Firefox Nightly 135.0a1 13524.12.18 Google Chrome Canary 133.0.6915.0 6915.0 ```
Sergey Vinogradov
Comment 3
2024-12-27 01:17:17 PST
(In reply to Karl Dubost from
comment #1
> Created
attachment 473651
> rendering in safari, firefox, chrome > > The initial rendering on Safari is slow, but eventually it goes at the same > position than Chrome after a couple of seconds from 3s to 20s.
For me, it never resizes while I stay on the page. However, if I navigate to a different page and then return, it displays correctly. I'm testing with Safari Technology Preview Safari 18.2, 20621.
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 4
2024-12-30 22:53:14 PST
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