Check if allocation profiling is enabled during WTF config initialization
Summary Check if allocation profiling is enabled during WTF config initialization
David Degazio
Reported 2024-11-12 13:56:38 PST
rdar://139745080 Currently, allocation profiling can be enabled via JSC option. However, it's totally possible for us to do allocations using bmalloc or libpas before JSC initialization occurs. In order to include these allocations, we should move this check into WTF initialization, specifically when we're setting up the config since that's when the reserved config byte for allocation profiling becomes writable.
David Degazio
Comment 1 2024-11-12 14:06:23 PST
Comment 2 2024-11-14 13:51:11 PST
Committed 286610@main (70d143746f90): <> Reviewed commits have been landed. Closing PR #36554 and removing active labels.
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