[WebCrypto] JWK import / export round-trip fails in X25519
Summary [WebCrypto] JWK import / export round-trip fails in X25519
Javier Fernandez
Reported 2024-09-19 02:24:01 PDT
STEPS TO REPRODUCE THE PROBLEM 1- Load the importKey.html test case (attached) 2- See the messages in the dev tools console EXPECTED RESULT: The following message should appear: CONSOLE LOG Import Success !! CONSOLE LOG Export Success !! CONSOLE LOG Round trip works ACTUAL RESULT: CONSOLE LOG Import Success !! CONSOLE LOG Export Success !! CONSOLE LOG Round trip failed CONSOLE LOG Expected: { crv: X25519 d: yIOOdtBX37fYyVpp4TgWCt1jc_1xpNJ2u1bjqBtk_2E x: HPKx5gIuxTc3Htf1PlT6EVTYPpjrZOpR-uWzMHz-lwY kty: OKP } CONSOLE LOG Got: { crv: X25519 d: yIOOdtBX37fYyVpp4TgWCt1jc_1xpNJ2u1bjqBtk_2E ext: true key_ops: deriveBits kty: OKP x: hbrW0bCab1ERDBqLWuWTwnQLzwZcuzYSiYsyGkVcT8A }
Javier Fernandez
Comment 1 2024-09-19 02:31:29 PDT
The problem seems to be the public key set to the 'x' attribute: < x: HPKx5gIuxTc3Htf1PlT6EVTYPpjrZOpR-uWzMHz-lwY > x: hbrW0bCab1ERDBqLWuWTwnQLzwZcuzYSiYsyGkVcT8A This bug happens only in the Mac port; the Gtk+ port produces a successfully round-trip operation. Looking that the code, the JWK export operation in X25519 calls to generateJwkX() function [1], which generates the public key bytes from the private key material. auto* di = ccsha512_di(); ccec25519pubkey publicKey; cced25519_make_pub(di, publicKey,; The result of this operation is different than the original public key previously imported. [1]
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 2 2024-09-19 03:17:07 PDT
Javier Fernandez
Comment 3 2024-09-19 03:26:57 PDT
Nitin Mahendru
Comment 4 2024-09-27 16:13:37 PDT
Comment 5 2024-09-30 11:39:13 PDT
Committed 284459@main (34986dbe6f18): <> Reviewed commits have been landed. Closing PR #34393 and removing active labels.
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