NEW 279214
AX: VoiceOver does not echo deletions in a contenteditable region with programmatic value updates
Summary AX: VoiceOver does not echo deletions in a contenteditable region with progra...
Sarah Higley
Reported 2024-09-05 11:43:58 PDT
Most web-based rich text editors use javascript to programmatically manage the text content of the contenteditable region, rather than relying on default browser insertion and deletion. A couple examples include the Facebook compose box, the twitter compose box, and the Lexical rich text editor ( On Safari, VoiceOver echos content insertion for these, but not deletion. On Chrome, VoiceOver reads both insertion and deletion. This appears to be a common enough experience that in several user studies on an rich text editor using Lexical, multiple VoiceOver users mentioned that they were familiar with the issue from elsewhere. I created a simplified reproduction of several of the more common ways to handle text deletion with javascript in a contenteditable div: - - (or use this link to access only the example UI without the Codepen editors): VoiceOver currently does not echo deleted text for any of the three methods demonstrated in the Codepen when using Safari (tested on 17.6).
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2024-09-05 11:44:07 PDT
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