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[Gtk] -webkit-box-shadow renders as a black background
[Gtk] -webkit-box-shadow renders as a black background
Tom Adams
2009-08-01 11:14:54 PDT
attachment 33937
Rendering of associated URL in WebKit/GTK+ (uzbl browser). (Version is libwebkit-1.1.10-2 (WebKit/GTK+), from Arch Linux's extra repository). 1) -webkit-box-shadow properties cause the element to acquire a black background (similar to background: black). 2) "-webkit-box-shadow: none" works as expected (renders no box shadow, and no erronious background). 3) Using 4 length parameters also renders no box shadow and no erronious background. See the attached screenshot and test case (which I will add in a comment).
Rendering of associated URL in WebKit/GTK+ (uzbl browser).
(6.52 KB, image/png)
2009-08-01 11:14 PDT
Tom Adams
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Test case showing what works and what doesn't.
(576 bytes, text/html)
2009-08-01 11:17 PDT
Tom Adams
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Tom Adams
Comment 1
2009-08-01 11:17:09 PDT
attachment 33938
Test case showing what works and what doesn't.
Jan Alonzo
Comment 2
2009-08-02 01:05:53 PDT
I don't get a black background in my ToT build but I don't get a box-shadow either.
Dirk Schulze
Comment 3
2009-08-16 09:16:09 PDT
There shouldn't be any background. And I don't see a shadow either. BoxShadows are "disabled" or better not supprted. Cairo do not support bluring. We have to blur the shadow our self. Did you modified the source code in GraphicsContext.cpp?
Dirk Schulze
Comment 4
2009-12-16 06:10:02 PST
We have real shadow support now. Can you test it again please?
Martin Robinson
Comment 5
2010-10-06 12:26:27 PDT
This is certainly fixed now. I'm going to close the bug, but feel free to open a new bug if there more problems with box shadow.
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