[Build] Forward-declare SPI of public Swift modules
Summary [Build] Forward-declare SPI of public Swift modules
Elliott Williams
Reported 2024-08-27 11:24:55 PDT
For WebKit's use of Swift-only frameworks in Apple's SDKs, we occasionally need to hand write .swiftinterface files to access private declarations. We have precedent for doing this in fully private Swift modules <>, but we have never solved the case of a public Swift module that has additional SPI-only declarations.
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2024-08-27 11:25:45 PDT
Elliott Williams
Comment 2 2024-08-27 11:37:49 PDT
Comment 3 2024-09-05 10:37:40 PDT
Committed 283222@main (0989dff43b2b): <> Reviewed commits have been landed. Closing PR #32774 and removing active labels.
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