Inspector: Cannot access properties of a wrapped callback function return value
Summary Inspector: Cannot access properties of a wrapped callback function return value
Keishi Hattori
Reported 2009-07-28 22:28:47 PDT
I think this is because JSInspectorCallbackWrapper wraps the return value (except for primitive values) with JSInspectorCallbackWrapper and the attributes like allowsGetPropertyNames and allowsGetProperty are set to false. JSInspectorCallbackWrapper wraps a function in the "inspector" that gets called from the "inspected window". I think the expected behavior for the wrapping of each type of return value is 1. Primitive value -> return unwrapped 2. Object from "inspected window" -> return unwrapped 3. Function from "inspector" -> wrap with JSInspectorCallbackWrapper 4. Object(not function) from "inspector" -> wrap with JSInspectorCallbackWrapper? I don't think this case should happen at all. Current behavior seems to be 1. Primitive value -> return unwrapped 2. Object from "inspected window" -> wrap with JSInspectorCallbackWrapper 3. Function from "inspector" -> wrap with JSInspectorCallbackWrapper 4. Object(not function) from "inspector" -> wrap with JSInspectorCallbackWrapper Conclusion: We should modify JSInspectorCallbackWrapper so that it the return value is unwrapped if it is an object from the "inspected window".
Timothy Hatcher
Comment 1 2009-09-11 20:11:22 PDT
The plan is to kill JSInspectorCallbackWrapper soon…
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