NEW 276411
Add command line switch (--open-minibrowsers-without-quirks or --open-safari-without-quirks) to enable automation testings easily
Summary Add command line switch (--open-minibrowsers-without-quirks or --open-safari-...
Ahmad Saleem
Reported 2024-07-10 00:35:41 PDT
Hi Team, While in discussions with Karls, to enable automation testing in future through WebDriver or in general, it would be good idea to add switch or command line to pass on to open mini browser or safari without quirks settings disabled automatically. Just raising to track this future enhancement. We already have this option in 'Develop' settings so it is just to pass on via command line and enable this on start-up. Thanks!
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2024-07-17 00:36:13 PDT
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