NEW 275710
REGRESSION (iOS 14): [ iOS ] 8 quicklook tests are constantly failing.
Summary REGRESSION (iOS 14): [ iOS ] 8 quicklook tests are constantly failing.
Ben Schwartz
Reported 2024-06-20 14:54:55 PDT
The following quicklook tests are constantly failing with text or image diffs on iOS: quicklook/keynote-09.html quicklook/keynote.html quicklook/numbers-09.html quicklook/numbers.html quicklook/pages-09.html quicklook/pages.html quicklook/multi-sheet-numbers-09.html HISTORY: DIFFs: Attached REPRODUCIBILITY: I was able to reproduce this issue on iOS simulator (17.4, 21E237/arm64) ToT using the following command: run-webkit-tests -v --test-list /path/to/list/of/these/tests.txt REGRESSION: My investigation reveals that this probably was a result of a system change in iOS 14 and just needs to be re-baselined.
Ben Schwartz
Comment 1 2024-06-20 14:55:34 PDT
Ben Schwartz
Comment 2 2024-06-20 15:05:27 PDT
Another: http/tests/quicklook/secure-document-with-subresources.html
Comment 3 2024-06-20 15:16:39 PDT
Test gardening commit 280222@main (ef1ab30db7df): <> Reviewed commits have been landed. Closing PR #30020 and removing active labels.
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