Seeing "This webpage reloaded because a problem occured" on Google Docs on Safari 17.5, when using the menu the Edit->Paste. Also reproduces on this fiddle: Issue seems to be calling execCommand('paste') on an iframe's contentDocument.
I can reproduce this — failed message check in WebPageProxy: ``` void WebPageProxy::requestDOMPasteAccess(DOMPasteAccessCategory pasteAccessCategory, FrameIdentifier frameID, const IntRect& elementRect, const String& originIdentifier, CompletionHandler<void(DOMPasteAccessResponse)>&& completionHandler) { MESSAGE_CHECK_COMPLETION(m_legacyMainFrameProcess, !originIdentifier.isEmpty(), completionHandler(DOMPasteAccessResponse::DeniedForGesture)); ``` Seems like something we need to investigate. Thanks for the report!
Pull request:
Committed 280149@main (50abb5331762): <> Reviewed commits have been landed. Closing PR #29947 and removing active labels.
Thanks for the fix! Which version of Safari will this land in?