NEW 275479
Geolocation Permissions API on iOS does not report 24h grant as `GRANTED`
Summary Geolocation Permissions API on iOS does not report 24h grant as `GRANTED`
Reported 2024-06-14 04:10:50 PDT
After accepting a geolocation prompt twice within a short time frame on iOS, geolocation calls return location without additional prompts for the next 24h. During this time, the permission API reports `PROMPT`, not `GRANTED` Using [this testing site](, I tested the behavior of the permission API on iOS. I took these steps: 1. Enable Location Services in iOS settings 2. Enable Location Services for Safari in settings 3. Get a geolocation prompt -> Allow 4. Reload the page 5. Get a geolocation prompt -> Allow 6. Reload the page Expected behavior In step 6, `navigator.permissions.query({ name: 'geolocation' })`, i.e. "Permission Status" reports `GRANTED` Observed behavior: In step 6, `navigator.permissions.query({ name: 'geolocation' })`, i.e. "Permission Status" still reports `PROMPT` We want to provide a consistent end-to-end experience between content-area UI and browser-side UX. To do that, we need to understand how the browser UX will behave if (for example) we call the browser’s geolocation API -- will a permission prompt be shown? Or is the permission already granted or denied?
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2024-06-21 04:11:13 PDT
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