[GLib] Import the libsysprof-capture source tree
Summary [GLib] Import the libsysprof-capture source tree
Adrian Perez
Reported 2024-06-06 02:48:21 PDT
Similarly to other third party projects, import the libsysprof-capture source tree into Source/ThirdParty/, and integrate building it as part of the CMake build. This is a very small (7K LoC), self contained C library with a permissive license compatible with the rest of the WebKit source code (BSD-2-Clause). It will be used to add runtime tracing support for the WebKit GTK and WPE ports. While some Linux distributions have packages for the library, some other distributions and cross-compilation environments like Yocto or Buildroot may not have packages -- and we *really* want to be able to tell people to run a command to produce a trace output even for release builds, so in order to have that possibility, we need to make sure that WebKit can be built with libsysprof-capture enabled by default in all cases.
Adrian Perez
Comment 1 2024-06-06 04:53:13 PDT
Comment 2 2024-06-10 10:43:18 PDT
Committed 279881@main (ccba8b99a8ed): <> Reviewed commits have been landed. Closing PR #29577 and removing active labels.
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 3 2024-06-10 10:44:13 PDT
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