NEW 272778
REGRESSION (277530@main): [ iOS ] 2X TestWebKitAPI.DragAndDropTests are consistently failing/crashing
Summary REGRESSION (277530@main): [ iOS ] 2X TestWebKitAPI.DragAndDropTests are consi...
Jay Stfleur
Reported 2024-04-16 13:46:11 PDT
Description: TestWebKitAPI.DragAndDropTests.DataTransferGetDataWhenDroppingImageAndMarkup TestWebKitAPI.DragAndDropTests.ExternalSourceHTMLToContentEditable are crashing on crashing on debug and failing on release BuildBot URl: History: Diff/Image Diff/Crash Log: ASSERTION FAILED: [value isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] /Volumes/Data/worker/Apple-iOS-17-Simulator-Debug-Build/build/Source/WebCore/platform/ios/ : String WebCore::PlatformPasteboard::readString(size_t, const String &) const Child process terminated with signal 5: Trace/BPT trap
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2024-04-16 13:46:39 PDT
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