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Web Inspector: Source editor misbehaves when browser navigates to or from about:blank
Web Inspector: Source editor misbehaves when browser navigates to or from abo...
Qianlang Chen
2024-04-04 11:36:06 PDT
attachment 470757
Video demo: I had to reopen inspector for it to go back to normal In the source editor in the inspector's Sources tab, if there's currently a file selected and being viewed and you navigate the browser to a new webpage, the source editor becomes blank, which is understandable since the file that you were viewing is now gone with the old webpage. However, - If you that new webpage is about:blank, then the source editor will show a loading icon that spins forever, instead of showing a gray "about:blank" watermark text as it normally does - If the old webpage was about:blank and you navigate into any other webpage, the source editor will show the red text "An error occurred trying to load the resource", and worse, that text won't disappear at all even if you select other files. You have to reopen the inspector for that source editor to behave normally again See attached for a video demo.
Video demo: I had to reopen inspector for it to go back to normal
(2.40 MB, video/mp4)
2024-04-04 11:36 PDT
Qianlang Chen
no flags
Video demo: going from GitHub to EWS
(1.82 MB, video/mp4)
2024-04-04 16:44 PDT
Qianlang Chen
no flags
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Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1
2024-04-04 11:36:30 PDT
Qianlang Chen
Comment 2
2024-04-04 16:44:33 PDT
attachment 470761
Video demo: going from GitHub to EWS Update: This issue doesn't only happen when navigating to/from about:blank. It actually can happen going from any website to any website. It just happens only sometimes for other websites but 100% of the time when there's about:blank involved. See demo.
Karl Dubost
Comment 3
2024-04-04 19:07:02 PDT
Probably related for the spinning wheel.
Bug 261126
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