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AX: Some webpages do not send AXLoadComplete
AX: Some webpages do not send AXLoadComplete
chris fleizach
2009-07-06 11:50:21 PDT
some webpages are not sending AXLoadComplete notifications
Proposed patch
(623 bytes, patch)
2009-07-06 16:08 PDT
Greg Hughes
: review-
Formatted Diff
Updated patch
(1.56 KB, application/octet-stream)
2009-07-06 18:50 PDT
Greg Hughes
no flags
Updated patch 3
(2.58 KB, patch)
2009-07-06 19:17 PDT
Greg Hughes
: review+
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Greg Hughes
Comment 1
2009-07-06 16:08:28 PDT
attachment 32332
Proposed patch Patch ensures that the AXCache is updated with the current document before posting the AXLoadComplete notification.
chris fleizach
Comment 2
2009-07-06 16:10:46 PDT
you could probably cache renderer() you might want to add a comment saying why we need to do this
Darin Adler
Comment 3
2009-07-06 18:00:42 PDT
Comment on
attachment 32332
Proposed patch Code change looks fine. Needs comment explaining why it's calling getOrCreate and discarding the result. Needs a ChangeLog. review- because of those issues
chris fleizach
Comment 4
2009-07-06 18:01:50 PDT
greg, also run the prepare-ChangeLog script and re-submit the patch (along with comments), which will obviate this patch
Greg Hughes
Comment 5
2009-07-06 18:50:42 PDT
attachment 32350
Updated patch patch updated to cache renderer() and include a comment
Greg Hughes
Comment 6
2009-07-06 19:17:04 PDT
attachment 32351
Updated patch 3 Updated patch based on review
Darin Adler
Comment 7
2009-07-07 00:54:15 PDT
Comment on
attachment 32351
Updated patch 3
> + RenderObject* render = renderer();
An idiom we use for this is RenderObject* renderer = this->renderer(); The downside of naming the variable "render" is that's a verb with a different meaning. Is there any way to make a regression test for this? r=me
chris fleizach
Comment 8
2009-07-07 08:35:22 PDT
for a regression test... what if we stored the last notification to be sent in AXObjectCache. then in the layout test we could have a mechanism to ask for the last notification, which would allow us to ensure it was sent. it seems like we might want to also add an ASSERT checking that there is an ax object available before posting the notification, so that we might catch other cases where this is happening
Darin Adler
Comment 9
2009-07-07 10:10:35 PDT
(In reply to
comment #8
> it seems like we might want to also add an ASSERT checking that there is an ax > object available before posting the notification, so that we might catch other > cases where this is happening
We can't do that until we fix the real problem, because we know that assert will fire.
chris fleizach
Comment 10
2009-07-07 11:54:01 PDT
i was not able to write a layout test for this because i need the layout test to stall until it the notification gets posted. unfortunately, the layout tests get run and exited before the notification is actually sent.
chris fleizach
Comment 11
2009-07-07 12:06:04 PDT
Darin Adler
Comment 12
2009-07-07 14:06:57 PDT
(In reply to
comment #10
> i was not able to write a layout test for this because i need the layout test > to stall until it the notification gets posted. unfortunately, the layout tests > get run and exited before the notification is actually sent.
That's something we can tackle later; it can be overcome so we can make a test for this. You can call layoutTestController.waitUntilDone() to prevent the layout test machinery from moving on to the next test until layoutTestController.notifyDone() is called. Then you just have to figure out how to get some JavaScript code called once the test truly is done.
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