`run-webkit-tests --print-expectations -v` should print all considered expectation lines
Summary `run-webkit-tests --print-expectations -v` should print all considered expect...
Gerald Squelart
Reported 2024-02-21 22:32:03 PST
Currently, for each test `run-webkit-tests --print-expectations` only displays the one line in all TestExpectations files that is used to determine the test expectation(s). I think it would be useful sometimes to know all the TextExpectations lines that were considered before and after. E.g., current output: ``` % run-webkit-tests http/tests/resourceLoadStatistics/prune-statistics.html --print-expectations http/tests/resourceLoadStatistics/prune-statistics.html ['PASS'] LayoutTests/platform/wk2/TestExpectations:735 http/tests/resourceLoadStatistics/prune-statistics.html [ Pass ] ``` Proposed expanded output when adding `-v`: ``` % run-webkit-tests http/tests/resourceLoadStatistics/prune-statistics.html --print-expectations -v http/tests/resourceLoadStatistics/prune-statistics.html v ['SKIP'] LayoutTests/TestExpectations:210 http/tests/resourceLoadStatistics/ [ Skip ] -> ['PASS'] LayoutTests/platform/wk2/TestExpectations:735 http/tests/resourceLoadStatistics/prune-statistics.html [ Pass ] ^ ['PASS'] LayoutTests/platform/wk2/TestExpectations:736 http/tests/resourceLoadStatistics [ Pass ] ``` This shows that there was a directory-level SKIP before, which the selected PASS overrode, and further there was another directory-level PASS that was ignored (probably because it didn't change the result and/or was broader).
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2024-02-21 22:32:11 PST
Gerald Squelart
Comment 2 2024-02-21 22:39:02 PST
Comment 3 2024-09-04 16:23:43 PDT
Committed 283176@main (70c0d8553e42): <> Reviewed commits have been landed. Closing PR #24932 and removing active labels.
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