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WebKit doesn't pass of content handling of the image/gif MIME type to plug-ins
WebKit doesn't pass of content handling of the image/gif MIME type to plug-ins
Simone Manganelli
2009-07-02 21:22:56 PDT
attachment 32216
Xcode project for a plug-in that registers for the image/gif MIME type Summary: WebKit's plug-in architecture does not seem to work when registering for certain MIME types, like image/gif, for example. When registering for these MIME types with a plug-in, content handling for those specific MIME types never seems to be passed off to the correct plug-in. Even if all other plugins are disabled, Safari still seems to handle these MIME types internally. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Download the attachment from this bug report named "clicktoflash+reduction.zip". 2. Unzip the project, and build it. 3. Move the built plug-in from the build folder to ~/Library/Internet Plug-ins/ or /Library/Internet Plug-ins/ . 4. Launch WebKit. 5. Browse to hulu.com. You will notice that an ugly green-to-red gradient will display where the Flash content is supposed to be. This is because the plugin registers for the application/x-shockwave-flash MIME type. Note that since the gradient is displayed (code for which is in the plug-in), the plug-in is working properly. 6. Browse to
. Note that the animated gif for the flashing 12:00:00 alarm clock plays. Note that the plug-in registers for the image/gif MIME type. (This specific animated gif is located here:
7. Quit WebKit. 8. Remove all plugins from ~/Library/Internet Plug-ins/ and /Library/Internet Plug-ins/, *including* the "QuickTime.plugin" and "QuickTime.webplugin" plugins, but keep the plug-in that you built from the attachment installed. 9. Launch WebKit. Again browse to
. Again note that the animated gif still plays. Expected Results: I expect plug-ins which register for the image/gif MIME type to have content display of GIFs passed off to the plug-in. Actual Results: WebKit still handles the content display of the image/gif MIME type even when plug-ins register for it and even when all plug-ins are disabled. Regression: Unknown.
Xcode project for a plug-in that registers for the image/gif MIME type
(13.92 KB, application/zip)
2009-07-02 21:22 PDT
Simone Manganelli
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Simone Manganelli
Comment 1
2009-07-02 21:38:40 PDT
Registering for the image/png MIME type (which the QuickTime plugin actually declares), has a similar effect: WebKit seems to handle the image internally rather than through the QuickTime plugin.
Mark Rowe (bdash)
Comment 2
2009-07-02 22:08:17 PDT
Image elements are not plug-ins.
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