Add scripts that parse and compare static analyzer HTML output
Summary Add scripts that parse and compare static analyzer HTML output
Brianna Fan
Reported 2024-02-14 12:11:00 PST
These scripts should work in conjunction to turn static analyzer HTML output into useful data. The first script takes in static analyzer output and parses each HTML file, extracts the necessary data (e.g. bug number, file name), and sorts by per project and checker type. The second script takes in two parsed output directories (from the first script) and compares them. It outputs numbers of issues and files fixed and created between the two results.
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2024-02-14 12:11:17 PST
Brianna Fan
Comment 2 2024-02-19 15:23:34 PST
Comment 3 2024-03-21 14:15:32 PDT
Committed 276495@main (49272b1cbf82): <> Reviewed commits have been landed. Closing PR #24785 and removing active labels.
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