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Crash indenting a table cell
Crash indenting a table cell
David Levin
2009-06-30 20:04:04 PDT
I hit this while indenting something that I pasted into GMail. If you open the attachment, it should repro.
Crash repro.
(393 bytes, text/html)
2009-06-30 20:06 PDT
David Levin
no flags
Crash reporter information.
(42.65 KB, text/plain)
2009-06-30 20:10 PDT
David Levin
no flags
Fixes crash.
(5.67 KB, patch)
2009-07-01 18:22 PDT
Ojan Vafai
: review+
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David Levin
Comment 1
2009-06-30 20:06:16 PDT
attachment 32105
Crash repro. The attached file should be suitable for use as a layout test (perhaps in LayoutTests/editing/execCommand/).
David Levin
Comment 2
2009-06-30 20:10:17 PDT
attachment 32106
Crash reporter information.
David Levin
Comment 3
2009-06-30 20:17:46 PDT
A snippet of the crashing stack for easier searching: 0. WebCore::SplitElementCommand::SplitElementCommand(WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::Element>, WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::Node>) + 29 1. WebCore::CompositeEditCommand::splitTreeToNode(WebCore::Node*, WebCore::Node*, bool) + 497 2. WebCore::IndentOutdentCommand::indentIntoBlockquote(WebCore::VisiblePosition const&, WebCore::VisiblePosition const&, WTF::RefPtr<WebCore::Element>&) + 561 3. WebCore::IndentOutdentCommand::indentRegion() + 1033
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 4
2009-07-01 11:52:53 PDT
If this is a reproducible crash, it should be a P1, no? Do we believe this is a regression?
David Levin
Comment 5
2009-07-01 13:25:40 PDT
I don't know if it's a regression. It has existed for a few months at least. (About the priority, thanks -- I didn't know what's assigned each priority.)
David Levin
Comment 6
2009-07-01 13:27:20 PDT
btw, I managed to find the crash in the Google Chrome crash tracker, and it is only in the top 1800 :( but I hope with this test is will be an easy fix.
Ojan Vafai
Comment 7
2009-07-01 18:22:15 PDT
attachment 32167
Fixes crash. 7 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 8
2009-07-02 14:34:07 PDT
Comment on
attachment 32167
Fixes crash. The fix looks fine to me. I'm not sure if it's at the right layer or not. Justin would know that better. I assume <td> and root contentEditable nodes are the only non-splitable nodes? Justin has historically been very slow to respond to Bugzilla bugs, so I'm going to go ahead and r+ this and we can roll it out or fix it differently if Justin later comments and feels it should be done at a different level.
Ojan Vafai
Comment 9
2009-07-02 14:38:18 PDT
I tried to think of other unsplittable elements than root contentEditable nodes and TDs. I couldn't. Maybe jparent has ideas of others?
Julie Parent
Comment 10
2009-07-02 15:32:54 PDT
I don't really know the what you mean by 'unsplittble elements' ... would things like <img>, <iframe>, etc count?
Ojan Vafai
Comment 11
2009-07-02 15:41:11 PDT
I guess unsplittable *container* elements would be more accurate. They're elements such that when you split a tree, you stop at those elements because they shouldn't be split. Splitting contentEditable nodes obviously doesn't make sense. But splitting TDs also doesn't make sense (e.g. hitting enter in a TD shouldn't cause the TD to split).
Julie Parent
Comment 12
2009-07-02 15:53:02 PDT
body! (while I know this one should be obvious, I've seen a bunch of bugs where we get multiple bodies ... although that may have been in Firefox, not WebKit). Can't think of any other ones though, besides TD ancestors, but I think you'd never hit those cases since a TD isn't splittable.
Ojan Vafai
Comment 13
2009-07-02 16:29:07 PDT
Good call. Although, in this case, the code is still correct, since it gets rootEditableElement, which stops at the body element.
Ryosuke Niwa
Comment 14
2009-07-03 00:45:36 PDT
So this patch is good works but we can arguably change indentIntoBlockquote, particularly where we have the splitTreeToNode. We can have something like if (nodeToSplitTo == start.node) { ... special case bail out code... } else { ... } I but then we still need to change the selection, so it's not an elegant solution to the problem...
Ryosuke Niwa
Comment 15
2009-07-03 00:56:09 PDT
Can we instead have a function that returns td/th or root editable element? Call it unsplitableEditableRoot and it does: Node* rootUnsplittableEditingNode( Node* node ) { Position start = startOfCurrentParagraph.deepEquivalent(); Node* enclosingCell = enclosingNodeOfType(start, &isTableCell); return enclosingCell ? enclosingCell : editableRootForPosition(start); } That way, we can use that in indentIIntoBlockquote and also for the special case in indentRegion. And I feel like editableRootForPosition should be replaced by this function in many places...
Ojan Vafai
Comment 16
2009-07-06 13:36:40 PDT
I don't think rootUnsplittableEditingNode make sense. I started going down that route, but in the case of a table cell, we're not actually getting the root, we're getting the first enclosing table cell. I agree that this functionality may need to be pulled into a helper function or two, but I think that would better be done when dealing with the other cases where we need this. That all said, it's not clear to me that the rootEditableElement is always what we care about. It might make sense to replace some uses of rootEditableElement with something like enclosingUnsplittableEditingNode, which returns the deepest matching ancestor.
Ojan Vafai
Comment 17
2009-07-06 13:40:35 PDT
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