REGRESSION (273266@main?): [ macOS wk2 ] transitions/flex-transitions.html is a flaky failure
Summary REGRESSION (273266@main?): [ macOS wk2 ] transitions/flex-transitions.html is...
Marta Darbinyan
Reported 2024-01-30 13:21:09 PST
Description: transitions/flex-transitions.html Is a flaky failure on macOS ToT. The test expectation was removed in 273266@main. The test was constantly failing before and after the commit it's still failing but with less frequency. This issue can be reproduced by using the command: run-webkit-tests --root --exit-after-n-failures 1 --debug <test> History: Diff Log: -PASS - "flex" property for "row1" element at 0.2s saw something close to: 140,0,0 -PASS - "flex" property for "column1" element at 0.2s saw something close to: 80,0,40 +FAIL - "flex" property for "row1" element at 0.2s expected: 140,0,0 but saw: 127.4000015258789,0,0 +FAIL - "flex" property for "column1" element at 0.2s expected: 80,0,40 but saw: 86.30000305175781,0,27.399999618530273 PASS - "flex" property for "negative1" element at 0.2s saw something close to: 100,100,60 PASS - "flex" property for "no-flex1" element at 0.2s saw something close to: 80,0,0 PASS - "flex" property for "row1" element at 0.8s saw something close to: 260,0,0 Link:
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2024-01-30 13:21:39 PST
Marta Darbinyan
Comment 2 2024-01-30 13:33:05 PST
Comment 3 2024-01-30 14:01:57 PST
Test gardening commit 273787@main (106249cea062): <> Reviewed commits have been landed. Closing PR #23535 and removing active labels.
Antoine Quint
Comment 4 2024-01-31 02:28:58 PST
I can't reproduce the flakiness locally with 100 iterations in debug: run-webkit-tests --debug --exit-after-n-failures 1 --iterations 100 --debug transitions/flex-transitions.html
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 5 2024-02-04 14:43:59 PST
Could be CPU load dependent, can you reproduce if you run multiple in parallel (--fully-parallel)?
Antoine Quint
Comment 6 2024-03-16 04:56:43 PDT
Comment 7 2024-03-17 02:53:04 PDT
Committed 276249@main (e31e176abdf0): <> Reviewed commits have been landed. Closing PR #26006 and removing active labels.
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