WebKitQt always rebuilds every file every time on Windows
Summary WebKitQt always rebuilds every file every time on Windows
Justin Haygood
Reported 2009-06-27 15:39:34 PDT
Something in causes nmake to always rebuild every file every time. nmake (like make) uses timestamps of files to determine which files to rebuild, etc... Something in causes nmake to think that all files need rebuilding. Not all .pro files cause this problem, so its not a general problem with qmake or nmake. (BTW, this is reproducable both via build-webkit and by running nmake directly on the generated Makefile in WebKitBuild) Other important versions: 1. WebKit - HEAD from WebKit SVN at whatever time is now 2. Qt - 4.5.2, built from source using spec win32-msvc2008 3. Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1
Simon Hausmann
Comment 1 2010-03-04 04:31:05 PST
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