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Consider lowercasing CSS keywords at source
Consider lowercasing CSS keywords at source
Anne van Kesteren
2023-12-24 03:56:28 PST
It would probably be best if CSS keywords were lowercased in CSSValueKeywords.in rather than requiring them to be lowercased upon serialization (e.g., that's how we did currentcolor). This would allow for removing the lowercasing code introduced in
bug 249438
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Tim Nguyen (:ntim)
Comment 1
2023-12-25 00:03:06 PST
That's probably fine, but there should be an assert somewhere to ensure everything is lowercase.
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 2
2023-12-31 03:57:12 PST
Sam Weinig
Comment 3
2025-01-20 10:06:10 PST
Pull request:
Sam Weinig
Comment 4
2025-01-20 14:15:25 PST
Doing this makes the following tests fail: imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-transforms/animation/transform-interpolation-inline-value.html imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-transforms/parsing/transform-valid.html imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-transforms/transform-important.html transforms/2d/transform-value-types.html (see
). We should figure out if we think there is a compatibility concern here before proceeding.
Karl Dubost
Comment 5
2025-01-20 15:24:11 PST
Spec reference for translateX(), translateY(), scaleX(), scaleY(), skewX(), skewY()
Karl Dubost
Comment 6
2025-01-20 15:41:55 PST
uppercase and lowercase are working the same without issues. So the compat risk would be really on the side of other tools and JavaScript libraries expecting a match on the casing of these names.
Karl Dubost
Comment 7
2025-01-20 16:00:00 PST
if I manually change the test to be lowercase the error is about the canonical serialization. assert_equals("translateX(-4px)", "translatex(-4px)", "serialization should be canonical")
Sam Weinig
Comment 8
2025-01-20 18:03:30 PST
Yes, the only compat issue is of course sites that depend on the specific serialization.
Sam Weinig
Comment 9
2025-01-20 18:04:34 PST
The parser is agnostic to case for identifiers. This bug is only about serialization.
Anne van Kesteren
Comment 10
2025-01-21 02:12:00 PST
I guess we should not do this unilaterally then. I was thinking in particular about the keywords
bug 249438
was fixing, such as 'srgb' and 'optimizespeed'. Or do we also have cases where those need to be serialized as 'sRGB' and 'optimizeSpeed' and so there's no real canonical representation?
Sam Weinig
Comment 11
2025-01-21 09:17:35 PST
I think the only cases we know of where this is an issue is the transform ones. I think it's quite unlikely to be a real compat issue, and updating the tests makes sense (the cases of sites relying on specific capitalization of serialization seems quite unlikely). So, my proposal would be to just update the tests to match the spec, which is quite clear in saying identifiers should be serialized as all lowercase. I am happy to make this fix if no one objects.
Anne van Kesteren
Comment 12
2025-01-21 11:10:58 PST
I see, I didn't realize. That sounds fine to me. I'll ping Elika just in case.
Anne van Kesteren
Comment 13
2025-01-22 00:03:42 PST
Elika pointed out that this isn't really defined. I filed
Sam Weinig
Comment 14
2025-01-22 08:56:05 PST
Oh, interesting! Thanks for filing!
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