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[GTK] Replaces partially loaded page with fallback content when server drops connection prematurely
[GTK] Replaces partially loaded page with fallback content when server drops ...
Gustavo Noronha (kov)
2009-06-18 07:55:41 PDT
My Internet connection currently sucks, so it is common for me to have packet loss. When that happens, some servers are not very forgiving, and drop the connection before the content is fully retrieved. dev.w3.org is one such server. When that happens, WebKitGTK+ currently replaces the already loaded content with the 'Connection terminated unexpectedly' error page. Chromium and Iceweasel both keep displaying the content they have already received. I see two solutions here: we should keep displaying the content, but also display a warning that the content has been only partially loaded, or we should keep displaying the content as if it was the whole thing. I'm pretty sure I remember reading something about this in the HTTP spec, somewhere.
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Martin Robinson
Comment 1
2012-02-18 11:58:38 PST
I agree! It's worth ensuring that the default signal handlers in WebKit2 obey this rule.
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