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bug 264028
Provide ability to convert one type of NativePromise into another
Provide ability to convert one type of NativePromise into another
Jean-Yves Avenard [:jya]
2023-11-18 16:49:27 PST
The problem was mentioned in
Where we did the following: ``` Ref<MediaPromise> SourceBufferPrivate::removeCodedFrames(const MediaTime& start, const MediaTime& end, const MediaTime& currentTime) { MediaPromise::Producer producer; Ref promise = producer.promise(); m_currentSourceBufferOperation = m_currentSourceBufferOperation->whenSettled(RunLoop::current(), [weakThis = WeakPtr { *this }, this, start, end, currentTime](auto&& result) mutable { if (!weakThis || !result) return MediaPromise::createAndReject(!result ? result.error() : PlatformMediaError::BufferRemoved); return removeCodedFramesInternal(start, end, currentTime); })->whenSettled(RunLoop::current(), [producer = WTFMove(producer)](auto&& result) mutable { producer.settle(result); return MediaPromise::createAndSettle(WTFMove(result)); }); return promise; } ``` m_currentSourceBufferOperation is a MediaPromise which is exclusive; you can only perform a single then/whenSettled on it. Exclusive promise are useful as it allows for move semantics and avoid needless copies of the resolved/rejected value. So in the code above, we can't return m_currentSourceBufferOperation as it would mean you run then/whenSettled on it twice, which would assert. One solution above would be to 1- make MediaPromise (NativePromise<void, PlatformMediaError>) a non-exclusive promise or 2- make m_currentSourceBufferOperation be a NonExclusive promise and allows to convert a non exclusive promise into an exclusive one. Doing 1- would require changing all the MediaPromise use points to no longer expect a r-valued result (most are using `(auto&& result)` as their prototype 2- allows for less disruptive code and allow for rather more elegant code. It would also be a bit more efficient as you no longer require to dispatch a task So the above could be written: ``` m_currentSourceBufferOperation = m_currentSourceBufferOperation->whenSettled(RunLoop::current(), [weakThis = WeakPtr { *this }, this, start, end, currentTime](auto&& result) mutable { if (!weakThis || !result) return OperationPromise::createAndReject(!result ? result.error() : PlatformMediaError::BufferRemoved); return static_cast<Ref<OperationPromise>>(removeCodedFramesInternal(start, end, currentTime).get()); }); return m_currentSourceBufferOperation.get(); ``` where m_currentSourceBufferOperation.get is now a non-exclusive promise. Adopting solution 2, also gets us close to achieving
bug 264028
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Comment 1
2023-11-18 16:49:41 PST
Jean-Yves Avenard [:jya]
Comment 2
2023-11-18 17:06:53 PST
Pull request:
Jean-Yves Avenard [:jya]
Comment 3
2023-11-19 03:28:02 PST
Pull request:
Jean-Yves Avenard [:jya]
Comment 4
2023-11-19 21:29:01 PST
Combined changes with
bug 264028
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of
bug 264028
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