WML Card Title does not get displayed on GtkLauncher
Summary WML Card Title does not get displayed on GtkLauncher
Reported 2009-06-16 23:48:01 PDT
WML <card> title attribute is not bieng implemented in WMLCardElement as a result it fails to show card title on the title bar of GtkLauncher. This implementation is returning empty string // Update the document title doc->setTitle(activeCard->title());
Patch to add title attribute to card element (2.53 KB, patch)
2009-06-16 23:58 PDT, wajahat
no flags
Patch to add title attribute to card element (2.53 KB, patch)
2009-06-17 00:39 PDT, wajahat
zimmermann: review-
Updated Patch (2.13 KB, patch)
2009-06-19 03:24 PDT, wajahat
no flags
updated patch to fix const_cast (3.43 KB, patch)
2009-06-21 22:31 PDT, wajahat
eric: review-
Adding missed manual test (4.05 KB, patch)
2009-06-22 00:16 PDT, wajahat
zimmermann: review+
Comment 1 2009-06-16 23:58:16 PDT
Created attachment 31402 [details] Patch to add title attribute to card element Adding title attribute to WML <card> element with necessary layout test
Comment 2 2009-06-17 00:39:45 PDT
Created attachment 31404 [details] Patch to add title attribute to card element Resubmitting with a review flag Adding title attribute to WML <card> element with necessary layout test
Nikolas Zimmermann
Comment 3 2009-06-18 10:21:50 PDT
Comment on attachment 31404 [details] Patch to add title attribute to card element Hi Wajat, thanks for the patch. Good that you spotted it, though I'd suggest a better implementation of that. WMLCardElement already provides a virtual-function "String title() const" through the Element parent class. So all you'd need to do is implement WMLCardElement::title() and have it return "parseValueSub...(getAttribute(titleAttr...". See HTMLElement::title() for comparision. This way we save memory. Glad if you could upload a new patch. Niko
Comment 4 2009-06-19 03:24:52 PDT
Created attachment 31540 [details] Updated Patch Hi Niko, thanks for the comments. Updated as per your suggestions. Performing const_cast to remove the const property. I hope this approach is good. let me know your comments.
Jan Alonzo
Comment 5 2009-06-20 07:32:39 PDT
Comment on attachment 31540 [details] Updated Patch I think this is meant to be r? rather than r+. Setting it for review.
Nikolas Zimmermann
Comment 6 2009-06-20 08:16:18 PDT
Comment on attachment 31540 [details] Updated Patch Looks good except the const_cast. Just make the parseValueSubstitutingVariableReferences & parseValueForbidding... functions const. They're not modifying any member variables and they are non-const by mistake. Can you upload a new patch? As you don't have commit access I'm going to clear the review flag until a new patch has been uploaded. Going to commit that patch then.
Comment 7 2009-06-21 22:31:00 PDT
Created attachment 31633 [details] updated patch to fix const_cast modified as per Niko's comment#6 by making parseValueSubstitutingVariableReferences & parseValueForbidding... as const intead of performing const_cast. Pl. give a final review and get this in. thanks Wajahat
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 8 2009-06-22 00:03:04 PDT
Comment on attachment 31633 [details] updated patch to fix const_cast How do we test this? Your ChangeLog mentions a layout test, but it seems to be missing from your patch. Otherwise this looks fine... but I don't understand how this method is ever used or tested?
Comment 9 2009-06-22 00:16:49 PDT
Created attachment 31635 [details] Adding missed manual test resubmitting patch by Adding manual/layout test, for testing this patch
Nikolas Zimmermann
Comment 10 2009-06-22 01:26:47 PDT
Comment on attachment 31635 [details] Adding missed manual test Looks good! r=me.
Comment 11 2009-06-22 07:16:48 PDT
(In reply to comment #10) > (From update of attachment 31635 [details] [review]) > Looks good! r=me. > thanks Niko can you get this in. regards
Nikolas Zimmermann
Comment 12 2009-06-24 07:31:06 PDT
Landed in r45081. Closing bug.
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