grid position/ size seems based on `border-box` height when element sized using `aspect-ratio`
Summary grid position/ size seems based on `border-box` height when element sized usi...
Reported 2023-10-18 01:29:30 PDT
1. Create a `div` with text content. ``` <div>boo</div> ``` 2. Give it a `width`, an `aspect-ratio`, a `padding`, a `border` and a `background`. ``` div { border: solid .5em black; padding: 1em; width: 9em; aspect-ratio: 3/ 2; background: crimson content-box } ``` 3. Use a `grid` layout and place the grid in the bottom right corner. ``` div { display: grid; place-content: end; /* same as before */ } ``` The grid/ text content should be now in the bottom right corner of the element's `content-box`. This is what happens in Chrome and Firefox. It's along the right edge of the element's `content-box`, but lower (by one `padding` + one `border-width`) both when testing via Epiphany and in actual Safari (confirmed here Live test If we explicitly set the `height` to `6em` instead of using `aspect-ratio`, this problem doesn't occur. Strangely enough, this problem does not happen along the other axis if we explicitly set the `height` to `6em` and the `width` via `aspect-ratio`. If we use `place-items: end` to place the text in the bottom right corner of its grid cell, this makes the `content-box` grow vertically because the grid in it is taller. Live test
rendering in safari, firefox, chrome (996.63 KB, image/png)
2023-10-30 18:21 PDT, Karl Dubost
no flags
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2023-10-18 09:23:51 PDT
Karl Dubost
Comment 2 2023-10-30 18:21:13 PDT
Created attachment 468418 [details] rendering in safari, firefox, chrome Confirmed. Latest versions of browsers.
Karl Dubost
Comment 3 2023-10-30 18:27:08 PDT
That seems related to some of the WPT failing.
Sammy Gill
Comment 4 2023-10-31 16:46:46 PDT
Sammy Gill
Comment 5 2023-11-01 10:01:00 PDT
Submitted web-platform-tests pull request:
Comment 6 2023-11-01 19:15:05 PDT
Committed 270098@main (2c5b45546cbb): <> Reviewed commits have been landed. Closing PR #19806 and removing active labels.
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