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REGRESSION: When the main page (ScrollView) has a custom scrollbar, it crashes on destruction.
REGRESSION: When the main page (ScrollView) has a custom scrollbar, it crashe...
David Levin
2009-06-11 11:05:43 PDT
Original chromium bug:
This won't repro in Safari on OSX because it doesn't allow custom scrollbar for the main window, but it does repro in Safari on Windows (and in Google Chrome). Repro steps: 1. Visit
2. Shrink the window so that a veritical scroll bar appears. 3. Refresh (or visit any other site, etc.) crash (Simple) fix and layout test coming shortly.
Here's a layout test to repro the crash.
(1.81 KB, patch)
2009-06-12 18:00 PDT
David Levin
no flags
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Here's a patch to make the crash repro on OSX.
(1.01 KB, patch)
2009-06-12 18:00 PDT
David Levin
no flags
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Failed attempt at fix.
(1.90 KB, patch)
2009-06-12 18:11 PDT
David Levin
no flags
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Proposed fix.
(5.68 KB, patch)
2009-06-15 14:07 PDT
David Levin
: review-
Formatted Diff
Proposed fix.
(8.19 KB, patch)
2009-06-16 21:31 PDT
David Levin
no flags
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Proposed fix.
(8.27 KB, patch)
2009-06-19 15:29 PDT
David Levin
: review+
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David Levin
Comment 1
2009-06-11 11:37:04 PDT
In case anyone wants to compare this to crashes that they've seen (or search for crashes using function names), here's a stack for where the crash occurs: [animationcontroller.cpp:449] - WebCore::AnimationController::cancelAnimations(WebCore::RenderObject *) [renderobject.cpp:1825] - WebCore::RenderObject::destroy() [renderbox.cpp:95] - WebCore::RenderBox::destroy() [renderscrollbar.cpp:219] - WebCore::RenderScrollbar::updateScrollbarPart(WebCore::ScrollbarPart,bool) [renderscrollbar.cpp:132] - WebCore::RenderScrollbar::updateScrollbarParts(bool) [renderscrollbar.cpp:54] - WebCore::RenderScrollbar::setParent(WebCore::ScrollView *) [scrollview.cpp:73] - WebCore::ScrollView::removeChild(WebCore::Widget *) [scrollview.cpp:96] - WebCore::ScrollView::setHasVerticalScrollbar(bool) [frameview.cpp:159] - WebCore::FrameView::~FrameView() [chrome.dll+0x0007f634] - WebCore::FrameView::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int) [refptr.h:122] - WTF::RefPtr<WebCore::FrameView>::operator=(WebCore::FrameView *) [frame.cpp:237] - WebCore::Frame::setView(WebCore::FrameView *) [webframe_impl.cc:1444] - WebFrameImpl::CreateFrameView() [frameloader.cpp:2943] - WebCore::FrameLoader::transitionToCommitted(WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::CachedPage>) [frameloader.cpp:2809] - WebCore::FrameLoader::commitProvisionalLoad(WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::CachedPage>) [documentloader.cpp:339] - WebCore::DocumentLoader::commitIfReady()
David Levin
Comment 2
2009-06-11 17:21:49 PDT
A few more notes: In safari, it appears to only repro on a refresh (not navigation) and it also repro's for iframes with custom scrollbars.
David Levin
Comment 3
2009-06-12 18:00:08 PDT
attachment 31224
Here's a layout test to repro the crash.
David Levin
Comment 4
2009-06-12 18:00:58 PDT
attachment 31225
Here's a patch to make the crash repro on OSX.
David Levin
Comment 5
2009-06-12 18:11:05 PDT
attachment 31226
Failed attempt at fix. "Failed attempt at fix" was my first attempt to fix the bug. The problem is that even if I guard the call to animation() in RenderObject, it still calls arenaDelete(renderArena(), this); and the renderArena (from document) has been deleted and is 0 at this point due to Document::detach() being called, so it feels like something worse is going on and perhaps more should be cleaned up in Document::detach(). At the moment, I could do some fix for this but not being familiar with the code I'm not sure what is most appropriate. Next step: Ask dhyatt :)
Adam Roben (:aroben)
Comment 6
2009-06-15 10:48:40 PDT
David Levin
Comment 7
2009-06-15 11:58:14 PDT
I just found out about a website from
that exhibits this crash:
On Safari on Windows, visit this website and refresh.
David Levin
Comment 8
2009-06-15 14:07:12 PDT
attachment 31305
Proposed fix. I have a few concerns about my patch, but I put it together as a place to start. Here are my concerns: 1. I don't know if there is another function that I should call in FrameView. (It doesn't look like there is one.) 2. I don't know if this function should do more. For example, ~FrameView does resetScrollbars right before the calls to setHas*Scrollbar(false); Should it do even more of what ~FrameView does? 3. onDocumentDetaching doesn't seem like a great name. detach() seemed to be typical but I wasn't sure what that function mean in general so I didn't know if this fit the pattern or not.
Dave Hyatt
Comment 9
2009-06-15 14:16:12 PDT
You don't want to always destroy the scrollbars. You only want to nuke them if the document supplied them. If they were custom basically. onDocumentDetaching could be renamed to detachCustomScrollbars.
Dave Hyatt
Comment 10
2009-06-15 14:16:42 PDT
Oh, also if the scrollbars are supplied by the ownerElement's document rather than your own, then you don't need to destroy them either.
Dave Hyatt
Comment 11
2009-06-15 14:17:08 PDT
Comment on
attachment 31305
Proposed fix. Minusing based on above comments.
David Levin
Comment 12
2009-06-16 21:31:23 PDT
attachment 31397
Proposed fix. Regarding this comment "Oh, also if the scrollbars are supplied by the ownerElement's document rather than your own, then you don't need to destroy them either" I should have asked in irc, but I wasn't quite sure how that translated to code. I did my best guess by adding the renderBox check. Let me know if this isn't correct (and hopefully what it should be).
Dave Hyatt
Comment 13
2009-06-16 21:44:34 PDT
Comment on
attachment 31397
Proposed fix. The RenderObject.cpp change seems unintentional. Everything else is perfect. r=me.
David Levin
Comment 14
2009-06-16 21:59:26 PDT
As discussed in irc, the RenderObject.cpp change is described in the changelog and David Hyatt was fine with leaving that part of the change in. Committed as
David Levin
Comment 15
2009-06-17 00:43:28 PDT
Comment on
attachment 31397
Proposed fix. Clearing the r+ since this caused a layout test on windows to start crashing.
David Levin
Comment 16
2009-06-17 00:43:58 PDT
Reverted with
due to crashing layout test on windows.
David Levin
Comment 17
2009-06-19 15:29:44 PDT
attachment 31566
Proposed fix. I had to move the call to FrameView::detachCustomScrollbars in Document::detach to ensure that the renderBox was still set on the body element when this method was called. I've tried this out on windows and it works fine. (I thought I tested the last patch on windows but I must have missed something when doing the revisions.)
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 18
2009-06-21 23:33:59 PDT
Comment on
attachment 31566
Proposed fix. Looks great!
David Levin
Comment 19
2009-06-22 10:20:56 PDT
Committed as
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