build-launcher-dmg depends on drosera
Summary build-launcher-dmg depends on drosera
Eric Seidel (no email)
Reported 2009-05-23 01:54:04 PDT
build-launcher-dmg depends on drosera It shouldn't. Drosera is long dead. I use this script to build launchable dmgs which I can pass to other teams in Google to verify fixes before sending the fixes out for patch review. It broke a while back and I've been meaning to post a fix. Finally doing so. Mark didn't sound very keen on me fixing this script. But I'm posting this anyway so it's off my harddrive.
fix build-launcher to run w/o drosera (1.91 KB, patch)
2009-05-23 01:54 PDT, Eric Seidel (no email)
mrowe: review-
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 1 2009-05-23 01:54:39 PDT
Created attachment 30613 [details] fix build-launcher to run w/o drosera 2 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
Mark Rowe (bdash)
Comment 2 2009-05-23 02:24:58 PDT
Comment on attachment 30613 [details] fix build-launcher to run w/o drosera As I mentioned on IRC, I'd prefer that you not land this at the moment as I intend to replace this script, and others that are part of the nightly build process, with my current versions in the near future. Making changes to it in the mean time will just make my merging for nightly builds more painful. The script has been broken for over a year already, so I don't think a few more weeks will hurt.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 3 2009-05-23 05:45:39 PDT
Yup, no problem.
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