RenderTable::BottomSection() should return the last rendered table section
Summary RenderTable::BottomSection() should return the last rendered table section
Ahmad Saleem
Reported 2023-05-31 17:21:04 PDT
Hi Team, Just came across following potential bug fix but without Layout Test case, so I would leave it for someone else to fix but just wanted to raise. Blink Commit: WebKit Source: Patch: if (m_foot) return m_foot.get(); if (m_head && !firstBody()) return m_head.get(); for (RenderObject* child = lastChild(); child; child = child->previousSibling()) { if (child == m_head) continue; ____________- Just wanted to raise, so we can fix it. Thanks!
Comment 1 2023-06-04 21:08:38 PDT
I think this needs a test case and it should not be too hard to come up with one.
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 2 2023-06-07 17:22:16 PDT
Karl Dubost
Comment 3 2023-06-15 05:51:51 PDT
Alan, do you have an example of CPP test file elsewhere in the code?
Karl Dubost
Comment 4 2025-01-27 04:30:04 PST
Tim Nguyen (:ntim)
Comment 5 2025-01-27 20:59:30 PST
Comment 6 2025-01-28 05:14:54 PST
Committed 289434@main (1d539b1ae929): <> Reviewed commits have been landed. Closing PR #39589 and removing active labels.
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